- 用蒙特卡洛模拟的方法计算美式期权的价格以及基本描述,基于掌纹识别的在线身份验证 识别算法本科毕设,包含收发两个客户端的链路级通信程序。- Monte Carlo simulation method of calculating the American option price and basic descr iption, Verify recognition algorithm based on palmprint recognition undergraduate complete set
- 用蒙特卡洛模拟的方法计算美式期权的价格以及基本描述,基于掌纹识别的在线身份验证 识别算法本科毕设,使用高阶累积量对MPSK信号进行调制识别。- Monte Carlo simulation method of calculating the American option price and basic descr iption, Verify recognition algorithm based on palmprint recognition undergraduate complete
- 基于掌纹识别的在线身份验证 识别算法本科毕设,分析了该信号的时域、频域、倒谱,循环谱等,随机调制信号下的模拟ppm。- Verify recognition algorithm based on palmprint recognition undergraduate complete set of online identity, Analysis of the signal time domain, frequency domain, cepstrum, cyclic spectrum, et