- 这是一个简单队列数据结构计算的源代码,写得很好,很容易嵌入到自己的用户程序中-This is a simple calculation of the queue data structure source code, was very well written, it is easy to embed into their own user programs in
- 对二叉树的删除、复制、中序遍历采用递归方式实现。 层序遍历采用辅助队列数据结构完成,为了计算层高, 使用了两个队列,交替的向两队列中插入相邻的两层, 这样完成层高的统计。-On the binary tree delete, copy, preorder recursive manner. Traversal sequence complete with assisted queue data structure, in order to calculate storey,
- 队列中的每个很多功能在代码中已经实现,主要是用C++实现队列数据结构,其中的很多代码可以直接拿来用-Each a lot of features in the queue is implemented in the code, mainly is the queue data structure to implement in c++, and many of those code can use them directly