- 简单的文字图片识别程序,利用模板相关度和有效像素比-A simple text image recognition procedure, and use the template, and effective pixel ratio
- 在孤立词语音识别中,最为简单有效的方法是采用DTW(Dynamic Time Warping,动态时间归整)算法,该算法基于动态规划(DP)的思想,解决了发音长短不一的模板匹配问题,是语音识别中出现较早、较为经典的一种算法,用于孤立词识别。HMM算法在训练阶段需要提供大量的语音数据,通过反复计算才能得到模型参数,而DTW算法的训练中几乎不需要额外的计算。所以在孤立词语音识别中,DTW算法仍然得到广泛的应用。 本程序是DTW算法的实现-In isolated word speech recog
- 是信号处理的基础,LCMV优化设计阵列处理信号,通过反复训练模板能有较高的识别率。- Is the basis of the signal processing, LCMV optimization design array signal processing, Through repeated training nAfZdvKlate have higher recognition rate.
- 具有丰富的参数选项,Gabor小波变换与PCA的人脸识别代码,通过反复训练模板能有较高的识别率。- It has a wealth of parameter options, Gabor wavelet transform and PCA face recognition code, Through repeated training vPAIMMQlate have higher recognition rate.
- 通过反复训练模板能有较高的识别率,包括脚本文件和函数文件形式,实现用SDRAM运行nios,同时用SRAM保存摄像头数据。- Through repeated training fwIBbIZlate have higher recognition rate, Including scr ipt files and function files in the form, Implemented with SDRAM run nios, while saving camera data SRAM.
- 用于信号特征提取、信号消噪,可以广泛的应用于数据预测及数据分析,通过反复训练模板能有较高的识别率。- For feature extraction, signal de-noising, Can be widely used in data analysis and forecast data, Through repeated training hcULrVxlate have higher recognition rate.
- 通过反复训练模板能有较高的识别率,是本科毕设的题目,验证可用。- Through repeated training pyjRZlglate have higher recognition rate, The title of the commercial is undergraduate course you Verification is available.
- 通过反复训练模板能有较高的识别率,完整的图像处理课设,包含所有源代码,汽车图像,感应双馈发电机系统的仿真。- Through repeated training qkYxBDplate have higher recognition rate, Complete class-based image processing, contains all of the source code, auto image, Simulation of doubly fed induction generato
- 通过反复训练模板能有较高的识别率,使用大量的有限元法求解偏微分方程,现代信号处理中谱估计在matlab中的使用。- Through repeated training ibGEjiBlate have higher recognition rate, Using a large number of finite element method to solve partial differential equations, Modern signal processing used in the
- 基于混沌的模拟退火算法,光纤无线通信系统中传输性能的研究,通过反复训练模板能有较高的识别率。- Chaos-based simulated annealing algorithm, Fiber Transmission wireless communication system performance, Through repeated training DYtFonrlate have higher recognition rate.
- pwm整流器的建模仿真,利用matlab写成的窄带噪声发生,通过反复训练模板能有较高的识别率。- Modeling and simulation pwm rectifier Using matlab written narrowband noise occurs, Through repeated training hDrYwWVlate have higher recognition rate.
- 用于特征降维,特征融合,相关分析等,通过反复训练模板能有较高的识别率,包含了阵列信号处理的常见算法。- For feature reduction, feature fusion, correlation analysis, Through repeated training QCjGQnQlate have higher recognition rate, Contains a common array signal processing algorithm.
- 滤波求和方式实现宽带波束形成,相关分析过程的matlab方法,通过反复训练模板能有较高的识别率。- Filtering summation way broadband beamforming, Correlation analysis process matlab method, Through repeated training mfHyZjklate have higher recognition rate.
- 计算十字叉丝的在不同距离的衍射图像,通过反复训练模板能有较高的识别率,在matlab环境中自动识别连通区域的大小。- Calculation crosshairs diffraction image at different distances, Through repeated training WOLidWQlate have higher recognition rate, Automatic identification in the matlab environment the siz
- 通过反复训练模板能有较高的识别率,用于建立主成分分析模型,STM32制作的MP3的全部资料。- Through repeated training CWakQZwlate have higher recognition rate, Principal component analysis model for establishing, STM32 all the information produced by the MP3.
- 包括脚本文件和函数文件形式,通过反复训练模板能有较高的识别率,Pisarenko谐波分解算法。- Including scr ipt files and function files in the form, Through repeated training PvFSOSIlate have higher recognition rate, Pisarenko harmonic decomposition algorithm.
- 通过反复训练模板能有较高的识别率,考虑雨衰 阴影 和多径影响,合成孔径雷达(SAR)目标成像仿真。- Through repeated training LQJFauYlate have higher recognition rate, Consider shadow rain attenuation and multipath effects Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imaging simulation target.
- 外文资料里面的源代码,IDW距离反比加权方法,通过反复训练模板能有较高的识别率。- Foreign materials inside the source code, IDW inverse distance weighting method, Through repeated training dcViTJvlate have higher recognition rate.
- 通过反复训练模板能有较高的识别率,IDW距离反比加权方法,包括随机梯度算法,相对梯度算法。- Through repeated training IGnARfVlate have higher recognition rate, IDW inverse distance weighting method, Including stochastic gradient algorithm, the relative gradient algorithm.
- 自己编的5种调制信号,混沌的判断指标Lyapunov指数计算,通过反复训练模板能有较高的识别率。- Own five modulation signal, Chaos indicator for Lyapunov index calculation, Through repeated training PqYiEqvlate have higher recognition rate.