- 6个关于逼近与拟合的C源程序,有示例,来自《C语言数值计算常用程序》,所以程序均经本人测试可用!-six approximation with the fitting of the C source code, examples, from the "C language commonly used numerical procedures," and so I have been put to test available!
- 5个关于布尔运算的C程序,以及示例,来自《C语言数值常用程序》,所以程序均经过本人测试可以正常使用!-five Boolean operations on the C procedures, as well as examples from the "C language commonly used numerical procedures," and so I have to undergo testing can be used normally.
- 2个关于概率统计的C程序,以及示例,来自《C语言数值常用程序》,所以程序均经过本人测试可以正常使用!-two on the statistical probability of C procedures, as well as examples from the "C language commonly used numerical procedures," and so I have to undergo testing can be used normally.
- 4个关于二维积分函数的C程序,以及示例,来自《C语言数值常用程序》,所以程序均经过本人测试可以正常使用!-four two-dimensional integral function of the C procedures, as well as examples from the "C language commonly used numerical procedures," and so I have to undergo testing can be used norm
- 2个关于三维积分函数的C程序,以及示例,来自《C语言数值常用程序》,所以程序均经过本人测试可以正常使用!-two three-dimensional integral function of the C procedures, as well as examples from the "C language commonly used numerical procedures," and so I have to undergo testing can be used nor
- 数个关于滤波器的产生的C程序,以及示例,来自《C语言数值常用程序》,所以程序均经过本人测试可以正常使用!-few of the filter C procedures, as well as examples from the "C language commonly used numerical procedures," and so I have to undergo testing can be used normally.
- 3个关于排序的C程序,以及示例,来自《C语言数值常用程序》,所以程序均经过本人测试可以正常使用!-three on the order of C procedures, as well as examples from the "C language commonly used numerical procedures," and so I have to undergo testing can be used normally.
- 这些是我特地制作的分布式计算的示例程序,仅供各位相关开发人员参考使用 本作以ChinaPI的第一个内部测试版作为蓝本修改而成,旨在提高中国分布式计算的设计水平 架构完整,包含除安全组件的其他重要组件(为了突出分布式计算和ChinaPI的安全,各个组件均进行了简化) 对PI的计算使用BBP公式(计算核心部分并非重点,写得比较乱) 为了通俗易懂,使用VB6.0编写 文档并非标准文档,只是示意性的 相关源码及文档可以经修改后再发行,但须遵循以下条款: 1、源码及
- 本科毕设要求参见标准测试模型,均值便宜跟踪的示例,利用最小二乘算法实现对三维平面的拟合。- Undergraduate complete set requirements refer to the standard test models, Example tracking mean cheap, Least-squares algorithm to fit a three-dimensional plane.
- 均值便宜跟踪的示例,本科毕设要求参见标准测试模型,ML法能够很好的估计信号的信噪比。- Example tracking mean cheap, Undergraduate complete set requirements refer to the standard test models, ML estimation method can be a good signal to noise ratio.