- 一个用C++计算微带天线的完整的3D例子,程序包含远场,电流,驻波等计算,对初学者帮助很大。
- 用有限元方法求解二维三维电磁场边值问题的C语言源程序之5-Using the finite element method for solving 2D and 3D electromagnetic field boundary value problem of the C language source code of 5
- 一个强大的开源的计算几何算法库,全称是: 提供了诸如:2D凸包,3D凸包,三角化等等著名的计算几何经典算法。库是基于C++的。 -(I plan to dedicate every edition of this software to someone famous who has influenced computers, mathematics, or science.) Version 1.0 of Geometry is dedicated to the father of A
- 三维PML-FDTD的C语言代码,完全匹配层的C语言实现-3D PML-FDTD in the C language code, perfectly matched layer in C language
- 用有限元方法求解二维三维电磁场边值问题的C语言源程序。-Using the finite element method for solving 2D and 3D electromagnetic field boundary value problem of the C language source code.
- class for work with 3d Vectors: add, sub, saclar multiple, cross multiple, norm, div
- This file conclude of five codes , four of them in Mathematica program and one in C++. 1. Erk4.nb. this code represent the explicit Runge Kutta method of order four for solving first order ODE. 2. RK45.nb This code represent the Embedded Runge Ku
- 用有限元方法求解二维三维电磁场边值问题的C语言源程序之2-Using the finite element method for solving 2D and 3D electromagnetic field boundary value problem of the C language source code 2
- 用有限元方法求解二维三维电磁场边值问题的C语言源程序之3-Using the finite element method for solving 2D and 3D electromagnetic field boundary value problem of the C language source code 3
- 用有限元方法求解二维三维电磁场边值问题的C语言源程序之4-Using the finite element method for solving 2D and 3D electromagnetic field boundary value problem of the C language source code 4
- 用有限元方法求解二维三维电磁场边值问题的C语言源程序之1-Using the finite element method for solving 2D and 3D electromagnetic field boundary value problem of a C language source code
- C语言3D FDTD代码(pFDTD v8.803)-pFDTD v8.803 source codes in C
- GRAVITY 1.4 Copyright (c) 1999 Jens Jø rgen Nielsen Congratulations! You now have a copy of GRAVITY 1.4, a fun and easy to use educational celestial mechanics program. GRAVITY is copyrighted material. You are granted permission to use
- GLSL优化算法,用c++语言编写,适合学习计算数学的和工科类的运用-GLSL optimizer A C++ library that takes GLSL shaders, does some GPU-independent optimizations on them and outputs GLSL back. Optimizations are function inlining, dead code removal, copy propagation, constant foldi
- It is a Visual C++ 6.0 (and above) source code to draw 3D funnel and sinus spline on it surface on canvas using ONLY mathematical functions and WinApi. No OpenGl fuctions are used. So you can understand internal mathematical apparatus. Use mouse
- It is a Visual C++ 6.0 (and above) source code to draw 3D half of funnel and complex spline on it surface on canvas using ONLY mathematical functions and WinApi. No OpenGl fuctions are used. So you can understand internal mathematical apparatus.
- It is a Visual C++ 6.0 (and above) source code to draw B_Splines and Besier Curves + 3D surface and complex spline on it surface on canvas using ONLY mathematical functions and WinApi. No OpenGl fuctions are used. So you can understand internal mat
- It is a Visual C++ 6.0 (and above) source code to draw 3D barrel and complex spline on it surface on canvas using ONLY mathematical functions and WinApi. No OpenGl fuctions are used. So you can understand internal mathematical apparatus. Use mous
- 用C语言编写的3D-FDTD程序,pml边界,附结果matlab画图程序-Using C language 3D-FDTD procedures, including the boundary of the PML, matlab drawing program
- LBM-C is a lattice Boltzmann 2D and 3D fluid flow solver implemented using nVidia s CUDA platform. LBM-C is written in CUDA C and is licensed under GPL v2, you are invited to use, alter and improve upon LBM-C at your own discretion.