- This svd source code implementation in c++ , the zip file contain the ap file ,more detail ,please see the ap library adapted for c++ in the zip file.also there is faq to answer your question.-svd source code implementation in c++ , This is the
- C++实现矩阵的SVD分解,矩阵基本运算“+,-,*,/”,三角分解,QR分解,矩阵显示,矩阵转置,矩阵特征值与特征向量运算. 并在 Source.cpp中附有使用例子代码,方便读者快速上手。 经本人测试,完全可以运行,放心使用。 对于SVD分解,经过与matlab中结果对比,发现,当矩阵的列数>=行数时,基本没问题。(Using C++ language realizes the SVD decomposition of matrix,as well as the basic o