- The main goal of this work is to provide a unified theory of QSTBCs for four transmit antennas and one (or more) receive antennas. The thesis consists of two main parts: In the first part we analyze the QSTBCs transmission without any channel kno
- 包括广义互相关函数GCC时延估计,包括邓氏关联度、绝对关联度、斜率关联度、改进绝对关联度,MIMO OFDM matlab仿真。- Including the generalized cross-correlation function GCC time delay estimation, Including Deng s correlation, absolute correlation, correlation of slope, improved absolute correlation,
- MIMO OFDM matlab仿真,用于特征降维,特征融合,相关分析等,数据模型归一化,模态振动。- MIMO OFDM matlab simulation, For feature reduction, feature fusion, correlation analysis, Normalized data model, modal vibration.
- matlab实现了五类灰色关联度模型的计算,MIMO OFDM matlab仿真,通过反复训练模板能有较高的识别率。- matlab implements five gray correlation degree computing model, MIMO OFDM matlab simulation, Through repeated training IEgQmEIlate have higher recognition rate.