- 另带完整程序实验说明,C语言,是一种最优化方法,可演变为多目标非线性规划。若要其它程序,请与13709828698,李英楠联系。-other experimental procedures with integrity Note C language, is the most optimal way, could evolve into a multi-purpose nonlinear planning. If other programs, please 13709828698, Li Yi
- 遗忘因子法用来改善最小二乘参数估计。采用遗忘因子的方式,剔除过去的数据。-请键入文字或网站地址,或者上传文档。 取消 Yíwàng yīnzǐ fǎ yòng lái gǎishàn zuìxiǎo èr chéng cānshù gūjì. Cǎiyòng yíwàng Fvrls used to improve the least squares parameter estimation. Using forgetting factor approach, excluding pas