- 电力系统静态稳定计算一般采用小干扰法,即首先计算近似的线性微分方程组系数矩阵的特征根。然后根据特征根在复平面上的特性,判别电力系统运行的稳定性 操作说明: 请输入初始功率S0,形如a+bi 请输入无限大系统母线电压V0 请输入系统直轴等值电抗的大小Xd 请输入同步电角速度 请输入惯性时间常数Tj 请输入综合阻尼系数D-static power system stability calculation generally use small interfering, f
- 利用Matlab求二维离散系统的分岔图程序。 在非线性动力学及复杂经济学中经常用到类似的问题。也可以用来画其他更高维数的离散映射系统的分岔图。很实用。-using Matlab for discrete two-dimensional map of bifurcation process. In nonlinear dynamics and complex economics frequently used similar problems. Can also be used for oth
- 基于复杂系统理论的计算机病毒传播模型的计算机仿真分析C++例程。文档请见:http://yumenlj.googlepages.com/virus_model.pdf-complex system based on the theory of computer virus propagation model of computer simulation analysis C routines. Documents see : http : / / yumenlj.googlepages.com
- 在通訊系統中常見到的cordic,是個用很少複雜度就能實現三角函數的電路,檔案中有C語言的CORDIC程式-In the communication system common to cordic, is a little complex to use trigonometric functions will be able to realize the circuit, the file has C language program CORDIC
- 学习扩展卡尔曼滤波气的基本文件,可以随便下载并讨论-This is a tutorial on nonlinear extended Kalman filter (EKF). It uses the standard EKF fomulation to achieve nonlinear state estimation. Inside, it uses the complex step Jacobian to linearize the nonlinear dynamic system. Th
- 信号与系统连续系统的复频域分析Signals and Systems Continuous System Complex Frequency Domain Analysis-Continuous Signals and Systems Analysis of Complex Frequency Domain Signals and Systems Continuous System Complex Frequency Domain Analysis
- 实际中需做快速傅里叶变换(FFT)的多为实序列数据,而其变换算法都是以复数序列作为输入。文中利用频域的性质,将实序列数据变换为复数序列,再进行FFT 变换,以提高FFT对于实序列输入的变换效率,最后用C 语言实现该算法并与传统算法进行实验对比,从结果可看到优化后效率提高很多。-Practice to be done fast Fourier transform (FFT) for the implementation of multi-sequence data, and its transfo
- 样本熵是一种有别于近似熵的不计数自身匹配的统计量,是对于近似熵算法的改进。样本熵与近似熵的物理意义一样,表示非线性动力学系统产生新模式概率的大小,主要用来定量刻画系统的规则度及复杂度。样本熵值越低,序列自我相似性越高,产生新模式的概率越低,时间序列越简单;反之,样本熵值越大,序列自我相似性越低,产生新模式的概率越高,时间序列越复杂。样本熵计算用程序VB6.0语言实现。-Sample entropy is different from the research and development o
- 极值法是一种重要的数学思想和分析方法。化学上所谓“极值法”就是对数据不足而感到无从下手的计算或混合物组成判断的题目,采用极端假设(即为某一成分或者为恰好完全反应)的方法以确定混合体系中各物质的名称、质量分数、体积分数,这样使一些抽象的复杂问题具体化、简单化,可达到事半功倍之效果。 -The extremum law is an important mathematical thinking and analytical methods. Chemical on the so-called &qu
- 非线性扩展卡尔曼滤波算法的matlab程序-Descr iption:This is a tutorial on nonlinear extended Kalman filter (EKF). It uses the standard EKF fomulation to achieve nonlinear state estimation. Inside, it uses the complex step Jacobian to linearize the nonlinear dyn
- 求解大型对称或非对称方程组,采用稀疏矩阵存储及求解算法,在电力系统仿真分析软件中得到应用-Sparse1.3 is a flexible package of subroutines written in C used to quickly and accurately solve large sparse systems of linear equations. The package is able to handle arbitrary real and complex
- 关于小波的matlab复合分析,相控阵天线的方向图(切比雪夫加权),关于非线性离散系统辨识。- Matlab wavelet analysis on complex, Phased array antenna pattern (Chebyshev weights), Nonlinear discrete system identification.
- 电力系统暂态稳定程序,可以进行暂态稳定计算,关于小波的matlab复合分析,快速扩展随机生成树算法。- Power System Transient Stability Program, can be transient stability, Matlab wavelet analysis on complex, Rapid expansion of random spanning tree algorithm.
- 感应双馈发电机系统的仿真,复化三点Gauss-lengend公式求pi,采用了小波去噪的思想。- Simulation of doubly fed induction generator system, Complex of three-point Gauss-lengend the Formula pi, Using wavelet denoising thought.
- 关于小波的matlab复合分析,搭建OFDM通信系统的框架,LCMV优化设计阵列处理信号。- Matlab wavelet analysis on complex, Build a framework OFDM communication system, LCMV optimization design array signal processing.
- 相参脉冲串复调制信号,含噪脉冲信号进行相关检测,光纤无线通信系统中传输性能的研究。- Complex modulation coherent pulse train signal, Noisy pulse correlation detection signal, Fiber Transmission wireless communication system performance.
The Monte Carlo Simulation Method
- 非常经典的蒙特卡罗法的介绍,本书主要用于系统可靠性和分析分析,也可以用于其它领域。(This book introduces the Monte Carlo simulation method for application to system reliability and risk analysis. Monte Carlo simulation is a modeling tool widely used in several scientific domains. The conti