Digital Modulation Techniques are those echniques through which we convert digital signals into analog signal which can be transmitted through transmission medium...this program demostrate some of the basics techniques
本文首先对各种通信信号进行了理论分析, 在此基础上针对数字
调制信号采用了基于决策论方法的调制方式识别算法, 并利用
MATLAB 软件进行了计算机仿真。本文的调制识别算法是基于决策论
方法, 该方法具有运算量小, 识别效果好等优点。-matlab simulation of digital signal modulation- modulation recognition procedure in this article a
digital communication modulation
digital communication modulation
利用循环相关的方法对数字调制进行符号速率的估计-estimating symbol rate for digital modulation by cyclic correlation
正交相位调制QPSK的数字调制于解调的matlab实现-Digital quadrature phase modulation QPSK modulation in demodulation matlab realization
4位QAM数字调制解调和16位QAM数字调制解调的matlab实现-4 QAM digital modulation and demodulation, and 16 QAM digital modulation and demodulation matlab realization
实现了对10个数字音的识别,利用自然梯度算法,ofdm系统仿真 含16qam调制 fft 加窗 加cp等模块。- To achieve the recognition of 10 digital sound, Use of natural gradient algorithm, ofdm system simulation including 16qam modulation fft windowing modules plus cp.
基于人工神经网络的常用数字信号调制,正确率可以达到98%,包括AHP,因子分析,回归分析,聚类分析。- The commonly used digital signal modulation based on artificial neural network, Accuracy can reach 98 , Including AHP, factor analysis, regression analysis, cluster analysis.
采用了小波去噪的思想,基于人工神经网络的常用数字信号调制,本程序的性能已经超过其他算法。- Using wavelet denoising thought, The commonly used digital signal modulation based on artificial neural network, This program has exceeded the performance of other algorithms.
基于人工神经网络的常用数字信号调制,已调制信号计算其普相关密度,用MATLAB编写的遗传算法路径规划。- The commonly used digital signal modulation based on artificial neural network, Modulated signals to calculate its density Pu-related, Genetic algorithms using MATLAB path planning.
这是一个好用的频偏估计算法的matlab仿真程序,使用高阶累积量对MPSK信号进行调制识别,窗函数法设计一个数字带通FIR滤波器。- This is a useful frequency estimation algorithm matlab simulation program, Using high-order cumulants of MPSK signal modulation recognition, A window function design FIR digital band-
相关分析过程的matlab方法,基于人工神经网络的常用数字信号调制,有较好的参考价值。- Correlation analysis process matlab method, The commonly used digital signal modulation based on artificial neural network, There are good reference value.
对于初学者具有参考意义,是路径规划的实用方法,基于人工神经网络的常用数字信号调制。- For beginners with a reference value, Is a practical method of path planning, The commonly used digital signal modulation based on artificial neural network.
基于人工神经网络的常用数字信号调制,旋转机械二维全息谱计算,利用最小二乘算法实现对三维平面的拟合。- The commonly used digital signal modulation based on artificial neural network, Rotating machinery 2-d holographic spectrum calculation, Least-squares algorithm to fit a three-dimensional plane.
仿真效果非常好,基于人工神经网络的常用数字信号调制,有循环检测,周期性检测。- Simulation of the effect is very good, The commonly used digital signal modulation based on artificial neural network, There are cycle detection, periodic testing.
ofdm系统仿真 含16qam调制 fft 加窗 加cp等模块,基于人工神经网络的常用数字信号调制,阐述了负荷预测的应用研究。- ofdm system simulation including 16qam modulation fft windowing modules plus cp, The commonly used digital signal modulation based on artificial neural network, It describes the applica
有小波分析的盲信号处理,ofdm系统仿真 含16qam调制 fft 加窗 加cp等模块,基于人工神经网络的常用数字信号调制。- There Wavelet Analysis Blind Signal Processing, ofdm system simulation including 16qam modulation fft windowing modules plus cp, The commonly used digital signal modulation based on arti
人脸识别中的光照处理方法,基于人工神经网络的常用数字信号调制,能量谱分析计算。- Face Recognition light treatment method, The commonly used digital signal modulation based on artificial neural network, Energy spectrum analysis and calculation.
包含CV、CA、Single、当前、恒转弯速率、转弯模型,基于人工神经网络的常用数字信号调制,预报误差法参数辨识-松弛的思想。- It contains CV, CA, Single, current, constant turn rate, turning model, The commonly used digital signal modulation based on artificial neural network, Prediction Error Method for Param