- Java Shannon Fano Algorithm , encryption and decryption. CitireBit.java read bit by bit from text/bmp file Compara.java compares 2 bits In.txt it s the in file for the interface and algorithm Interfata.java it s the interface file Nod.java
- 该java文件内包括了矩阵的加减乘除,矩阵求逆,矩阵求秩,矩阵转置,数组从大到小和从小到大排序等常用算法,是工科同学算例的仿真必备 -The java file, which includes both matrix addition, subtraction, matrix inversion, matrix rank, matrix transpose, array descending and ascending order and other commonly used algori
- 学习遗传算法时使用的例子,是win控制台程序,我根据网上下载的java代码,自己读java代码,然后改成c++代码,用自己的思维写出来的,编译可以通过,那时候就一个cpp文件包含了全部代码-Examples of the use of genetic algorithms when learning is win console program, I downloaded java code based on their own reading java code, and then chang
- c 4.5 abdurahem java source file
- 矩阵计算jar包和所依赖的jar包:matrix-toolkits-java(0.9) 。已经测试,可用。-matrix toolkits jar file and needed dependent jar files : matrix-toolkits-java(0.9) and so on. these jars have been tested. the results show fine.
- The Java Remote Method Invocation (Java RMI) is a Java API that performs remote method invocation,in this application we call some methods in order to write in file
- java文件的多目标优化算法,代码函数已经封装,可以在java平台跑通(Java file multi-objective optimization algorithm, the code function has been encapsulated, can run on the Java platform)