- Conway The Game of Life, also known simply as Life, is a cellular automaton devised by the British mathematician John Horton Conway in 1970.[1] It is the best-known example of a cellular automaton.
- "Conway game", which redirects to here, can also refer to games as defined by surreal numbers, which John Conway also developed. Gosper s Glider Gun creating "gliders". The Game of Life, also known simply as Life, is a cellular automaton devis
- 某电视台举办了低碳生活大奖赛。题目的计分规则相当奇怪: 每位选手需要回答10个问题(其编号为1到10),越后面越有难度。答对的,当前分数翻倍;答错了则扣掉与题号相同的分数 (选手必须回答问题,不回答按错误处理)。 每位选手都有一个起步的分数为10分。 某获胜选手最终得分刚好是100分,如果不让你看比赛过程,你能推断出他(她)哪个题目答对了,哪个题目答错了吗? 如果把答对的记为1,答错的记为0,则10个题目的回答情况可以用仅含有1