- 相位衬度成像中由振幅得到相位的恢复算法,MATLAB运行环境
opencv to matlab
- cvlib_mex is a collection (over two dozens) of matlab callable routines from the the OpenCV library (www.intel.com/research/mrl/research/opencv/). OpenCV is a real time computer vision library with many image processing capabilities and it is amaz
opencv to matlab
- cvlib_mex is a collection (over two dozens) of matlab callable routines from the the OpenCV library (www.intel.com/research/mrl/research/opencv/). OpenCV is a real time computer vision library with many image processing capabilities and it is amaz
- matlab曲面拟合程序,可以得到函数具体解析式,matlab surface fitting procedure, can be a specific analytical function
- 求解非线性方程。调用格式x=fmincon(fun,x0,A,b,Aeq,beq,VLB,VUB),For solving nonlinear equations. Call the format x = fmincon (fun, x0, A, b, Aeq, beq, VLB, VUB)
- l1benchmark 这个算法包提供了十种求解带稀疏约束的矩阵方程 AX=b 的 MATLAB 实现代码,并提供了一个比较各种算法求解结果的演示。-An L1-norm minimization benchmark package, which contains an implementation of ten L1-norm minimization algorithms in MATLAB. The package also provides a test scr ipt for comp
- The "GEE! It s Simple" package illustrates Gaussian elimination with partial pivoting, which produces a factorization of P*A into the product L*U where P is a permutation matrix, and L and U are lower and upper triangular, respectively. The fu
- 实现计算数字a选数字b的组合结果。程序机构简单,在matlab里面输入文件名字和组合参数就可以运行。-a select b
- 至少输入五个点,得到最小二乘模拟椭圆,最后得到椭圆左右焦点以及主轴与x轴夹角等具体参数-[Xc,Yc,A,B,Phi,P]=ELLIPSEFIT(X,Y) finds the least squares ellipse that best fits the data in X and Y. X and Y must have at least 5 data points. Xc and Yc are the x- and y-axis center of the ellipse re
- 自适应滤波的块型最小均方差算法(B-LMS),能够快速跟踪过程的变化-Block adaptive filtering algorithm based on LMS (B-LMS), to fast track the process of change
- 根据雅克比迭代法求解线性方程组AX=B的MATLAB程序。经过算例验证正确。适用性非常广。-According to Jacobi iterative method for solving linear equations AX = B on MATLAB. After a numerical example is correct. Very wide applicability.
- 对任意线性方程组AX=B,利用矩阵等价变换形成上三角矩阵,在利用高斯消元法中的回代过程简便的求解方程组AX=B的解。本程序是用MATLAB编写的,运行时只要输入矩阵A和B,即可得到方程的解。程序中有详细的注释,很好理解。本程序具有通用性。-For any system of linear equations AX = B, the use of equivalent transformation matrix to form the upper triangular matrix using G
- 信号卷积运算的GUI设计 1、可任意输入两个信号源;卷积函数自己编写,不可用工具箱函数。 2、设计的GUI可计算 , , ,并以下拉列表选项的方式进行选择和计算结果的演示。 3、计算 ,要求参数a,b可调(即以文本框形式输入),并显示。 -Signal convolution, GUI design, can be arbitrary input two source convolution function to write your own, can not use the
- 这段代码是用来求Ax=b线性方程的,采用的是列主元消元法,经过很苛刻的矩阵验证,其精度可以和matlab中的求逆再求方程的结果媲美-This code is used to seek Ax = b of linear equations, the main-element elimination method, after a very demanding Matrix verify its accuracy and inversion in matlab and then seek compa
- matlab 图形图像处理。通过GUI,用户可以自由的变换RGB颜色等等。-The color of each pixel in an image is specified by a combination of three values: red, green, and blue. These values typically take 256 levels, leading to 256^3 ~ 17 million possible colors. In this GUI you ca
- 用matlab编写newmark-B法解结构振动微分方程的程序-Prepared using matlab newmark-B method for solving differential equations of structural vibration program
- EasySolve: 求取线性方程组AX+B=0的一组解,若解唯一则直接返回该解,若解不唯一则从解集中随机返回一组 程序会根据方程信息自动计算返回的解的合适数量级和随机中心的偏移量,使得返回随机解的大小合适于调用它的程序。 OrnoBasis: 根据输入向量的维度,返回该维度下的一组标准正交基底,输入的列向量组中的有效向量(非零、线性无关)会被标准正交化并作为基向量、按旧有顺序排在增补列向量的前边。 RotaObj: 任意维度下(>=2)的点集的保形旋转(不变形的旋转,
- 金融数量分析程序的matlab源代码,主要是一部分测试程序B-The number of financial analysis program of matlab source codeB
- 定理1(介值定理)设函数f(x)在区间[a,b]连续,且f(a)f(b)<0,则方程f(x)=0在区间[a,b]内至少有一个根。(Theorem 1 (intermediate value theorem) set the function f (x) in the interval [a, b] continuous, and f (a) f (b) <0, then the equation f (x) =0 is at least one root in the interva
- This function displays the PSNR (peak signal-to-noise ratio) between two images. The answer is in decibels (dB). PSNR is very common in image processing. A sample use is in the comparison between an original image and a coded/decoded image. Typica