- 寻找函数的全局极小值,global minimization of contrast function with random restarts the data are assumed whitened (i.e. with identity covariance matrix). The output is such that Wopt*x are the independent sources.-Find function of the minimum value of the overa
- 黄金分割搜索法的vc代码,有两个过程实现,分别是Golden和mnbrak,mnbrak利用黄金比率和二次插值确定函数的极小值点的所在区间,Golden用黄金分割法求一元函数的极小值。-Golden Section Search vc law code, there are two processes to achieve, and Golden were mnbrak. mnbrak golden ratio and use quadratic interpolation function t
- 找出txt文件的最大值和最小值。要输入文件的行数和列数-Txt file to find the maximum and minimum value. To enter the file number of rows and columns
- There are numerous algorithms that allow you to manipulate the information stored in an array. Consider this function which allows you to determine the maximum value in an array of integers (could be easily adapted to find minimum value)-There are nu
- 程序说明: jblzq.m为基本粒子群程序求函数的最大值 lzq2.m是惯性权重法求函数的最大值 lzq3.m是惯性权重法求函数最小值。当然也可以用lzq2.m实现,在函数前加个负号 lzq4.m是收敛因子法求函数最小值 lzq5.m是带变异的惯性权重法求最大值,变异条件比较简单,变异次数多。还有一种变异是利用各粒的最优位置与全局最优位置的差的平方和,再开根号的值小于某一值最为收敛条件,将在我的报告中叙述 lzq6.m是分层粒子群优化算法,即利用两个粒子群同时进行搜索,一
- 旅行商问题,即TSP问题(Traveling Salesman Problem)是数学领域中著名问题之一。假设有一个旅行商人要拜访n个城市,他必须选择所要走的路径,路经的限制是每个城市只能拜访一次,而且最后要回到原来出发的城市。路径的选择目标是要求得的路径路程为所有路径之中的最小值。 TSP问题是一个组合优化问题。该问题可以被证明具有NPC计算复杂性。因此,任何能使该问题的求解得以简化的方法,都将受到高度的评价和关注。 -Traveling salesman problem, the T
- 二维网格法求任意函数的最小值的Mathematica源程序-Two-dimensional grid, the minimum value of any function Method
- 编写程序 实现输入n个数字,输出最小值,并输出其所在的位置-Programming n digits the input, output the minimum value, and output in their place
- 利用遗传算法求解函数极值, 主程序是对函数f(x,y)=x2+y2(-1<x<1,-1<y<1)求解最小值。decod.m 为子函数,实现二进制编码到十进制数的转换功能-Use of genetic algorithm for function extremum, the main program is the minimum value of the function f (x, y) = x2+ y2 (-1 <x <1,-1 <y <1) s
- matlab 图形图像处理。通过GUI,用户可以自由的变换RGB颜色等等。-The color of each pixel in an image is specified by a combination of three values: red, green, and blue. These values typically take 256 levels, leading to 256^3 ~ 17 million possible colors. In this GUI you ca
- 通过禁忌算法求解最优解的问题,可以计算最小值。-Through the tabu algorithm to solve the optimal solution of the problem, the minimum value can be calculated.
- Levenberg-Marquardt算法是最优化算法中的一种。最优化是寻找使得函数值最小的参数向量。根据求导数的方法.-Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm is an optimization algorithm. Makes optimization is to find the minimum value of the parameter vector function. Method according to the number of derivative.
- Partition index is a measure ofvalidity similar to partition coeGcient, based on using Pj = ci=1 (uij)m as a measure ofhow well the jth data point has been classi- 2ed. The closer a pixel is to a codebook entry, the closer Pj is to one. Ifa
- 改进的powell方法的文章,可用来解非线性优化求函数的极小值- Improved article powell method can be used to find solutions of nonlinear optimization function of the minimum value
- 将工程问题转化为数学问题,进行无约束优化,求得极小值。(The engineering problem is transformed into a mathematical problem, and unconstrained optimization is used to obtain the minimum value.)
- 运用SR1信赖域算法,求解函数的极小值点(Using SR1 Trust Region algorithm to solve function minimum value)
- 用sas软件做描述性分析,例如计算平均值,极大极小值,方差,极差,绘制散点图,序列图等(Use sas software to do descr iptive analysis, such as calculating mean value, minimum value, variance, range, drawing scatter diagram, sequence diagram, etc.)
- 一般线性规划问题具有线性方程组的变量数大于方程个数,这时会有不定的解。当决策变量个数n和约束条件个数m较大时,单纯形法是求解线性规划问题的通用方法。 从线性方程组找出一个个的单纯形,每一个单纯形可以求得一组解,然后再判断该解使目标函数值是增大还是变小了,决定下一步选择的单纯形。通过优化迭代,直到目标函数实现最大或最小值(In general linear programming problems, the number of variables with linear equations is
- 对数据的简单处理,得到数据的最值,能够读取数据的行数(The data is processed simply, and the maximum value or the minimum value of data is obtained, which can read data rows.)
- 用matlab展现遗传算法的计算过程。例子为求0.711*t1-0.084*(a0*t4*t1/(t2-t1+t3))+0.7*(t4-t3)+0.091*t2+0.162*(a0*t2*t4/(t2-t1+t3))这个看起来很复杂的式子的最小值,各个变量的约束条件在代码里写了出来。(Matlab is used to show the calculation process of genetic algorithm. The example is to find the minimum val