- Mathomatic is a portable Computer Algebra System (CAS) that can solve, simplify, and compare algebraic equations, perform simultaneous real number, imaginary number, and polynomial arithmetic, etc. It does some calculus and is very easy to comp
- 足球联赛采用主客场双循环赛制,胜一场得3分,平局各得1分,负一场得0分,联赛排名以积分多者在前,当两队(或多队)积分相同时,则净胜球(即进球数与失球数之差)多者在前,若净胜球相同,则进球数多者在前,若仍相同,则抽签或踢附加赛决定名次(这在联赛结束后进行,联赛未结束则两队名次并列,本程序不做这方面要求)。程序统计最近一轮比赛后,各队积分及排名。-Football League home and away double round-robin, a win 3 points, a draw 1 po
- SVDLIBC是一个使用Lanczos算法计算稀疏矩阵SVD(奇异值分解)的C语言函数库,原本在只能Linux下编译,这个版本是对其进行修改后的windows版本,可以在VC++或MinGW下使用。-SVDLIBC is a C library computing the SVD(Singular Value Decomposition) of a sparse matrix using the Lanczos Algorithm. Originally, it can only compile
- 学习遗传算法时使用的例子,是win控制台程序,我根据网上下载的java代码,自己读java代码,然后改成c++代码,用自己的思维写出来的,编译可以通过,那时候就一个cpp文件包含了全部代码-Examples of the use of genetic algorithms when learning is win console program, I downloaded java code based on their own reading java code, and then chang
- The future 980 version of LS-DYNA will include Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) solvers. The main objective of these new solvers will be to perform fluid structure interactions by directly solving the Navier-Stokes equations and by using any LS-DYN