- VC编写的基本读图文件,有完整的工程文件-VC interpret drawings prepared by the basic documents, a complete engineering documents
- 天体运动处理系统,实现天体图象的背景处理,运动判定分步。解压密码:123-celestial movement in dealing system that the background image objects, found step-by-step movement. Extracting Password : 123
- 图象模式识别工程从简单到复杂的各个举例工程的源代码-Image pattern recognition works from simple to complex projects in all, for example source code
- 改C程序结合了遗传算法和模拟退火算法的思想,能求出网络图中各工序的最优开工时间和工程的收益的净现值。-C program to a combination of genetic algorithms and simulated annealing algorithm can find the network map to start the process of the optimal time and the project' s net present value of earning
- 使用人工智能极大值极小值算法实现的井字棋游戏,有完整的工程及源码注释,可直接运行,并附带了程序运行的示例截图。-Maximum use of artificial intelligence algorithms to achieve the minimum chess game Tic Tac Toe, a complete engineering and source notes, can be directly run, and run the sample with a screensho
- 图与网络是运筹学(Operations Research)中的一个经典和重要的分支,所研究的 问题涉及经济管理、工业工程、交通运输、计算机科学与信息技术、通讯与网络技术等 诸多领域。下面将要讨论的最短路问题、最大流问题、最小费用流问题和匹配问题等都 是图与网络的基本问题。 我们首先通过一些例子来了解网络优化问题。 例1 最短路问题(SPP-shortest path problem)-shortest path problem)
Feature engineering in Machine Learning
- 机器学习中,特征工程总结,思维导图,超详细。(In machine learning, feature engineering summarization and mind mapping, super detail.)