- 使用BDA实现三维模型相关反馈的算法 注:1、使用本系统必须在本地计算机上安装matlab 2、算法使用的三维模型特征向量是从PSB模型库中自动提取的DESIRE三维模型特征向量 3、本系统自带性能评测机制-use 3D model relevance feedback algorithm Note : 1. Use of this system must be installed on the local computer Matlab 2, algorithm using 3D
- 使用KernelBDA实现三维模型相关反馈的算法注:1、使用本系统必须在本地计算机上安装matlab 2、算法使用的三维模型特征向量是从PSB模型库中自动提取的DESIRE三维模型特征向量 3、本系统自带性能评测机制-KernelBDA use 3D model relevance feedback algorithm Note : 1. Use of this system must be installed on the local computer Matlab 2, algorit
- 反向传播(back-propagation,BP)算法是一种计算单个权值变化引起网络性能变化值的较为简单的方法。由于BP算法过程包含从输出节点开始,反向地向第一隐含层(即最接近输入层的隐含层)传播由总误差引起的权值修正,所以称为\"反向传播\"。-BP (back-propagation BP) algorithm is a calculation of the weights of individual changes in network performance changes in the
- 该程序用盖氏圆盘方法(GDE)计算均匀直线阵(ULA)中信号源个数估计性能随SNR的变化情况,采用Monte-Carlo模拟。 -estimate the number of source using GDE criterion
- 可用于模式识别,特征提取分类的主要工具。性能可靠,计算速度快。
- 热力学遗传算"~-(therm odynamical genetic algorithms,简称TDGA)借鉴固体退火过程中能量与熵的竞争 模式来协调GA 中“选择压力”和“种群多样性”之间的冲突.然而TDGA 目前极高的计算代价限制了其应用.为了提 高TDGA的计算效率,首先定义一种等级熵(rating—based entropy,J~j称RE)度量方法,它能以较小的计算成本度量种 群中个体适应值的分散程度.然后引入分量热力学替换规则(component thermod)rnami
- 对目前非线性滤波的主要算法即扩展卡尔曼滤波、不敏卡尔曼滤波、粒子滤波、扩展卡尔曼粒子滤波和不敏粒子滤波的滤波模型、适用条件、性能进行了分析比较,给出了每种方法的计算复杂度.通过一个非线性非高斯模型进行了仿真,验证了这些算法的性能。-Present the main algorithms of the nonlinear filtering extended Kalman filter, Unscented Kalman filter, particle filter, particle filt
- 天线选择技术能够的效地减小射频链路的成本和系统的复杂度, 同时又能保持MI M0系统的主要优点。本文首先对已有的经典的天线选择算法分别进行了介绍, 对其优缺点进行分析, 而后基于范数方法的思想, 提出一种新的天线选择算法。 该算法具有计算简单的特点, 通过仿真表明, 在接收天线 数目较大的时候, 其性能较范数算法有明显提高。-The effectiveness of antenna selection technology can reduce the cost of radio link
- 对电荷泵进行仿真计算,优化电荷泵的噪声性能和瞬态性能。-Simulation of the charge pump to optimize the charge pump noise performance and transient performance.
- 针对通信网络中多重QoS约束条件下的多播路由计算,提出了一个基于模拟退火技术的改进遗传算法HGA-QoSR。该算法把模拟退火技术的局部寻优能力与遗传算法的全局寻优能力有机结合,并利用隔离小生境机制控制种群的独立进化,使演化过程中的种群保持生态多样性,以提高算法运行效率和解的质量。理论分析和仿真实验表明,与传统遗传算法相比较,该算法性能有显著改进。 -Communication networks for multi-QoS Constrained multicast routing calcula
- 讨论了这种故障诊断方法的诊断性能及其在计算上的复杂度.通过这种方法能够进行故障的寻找和定位,实例分析的结果说明了利用粗糙集进行知识发现及建立智能故障诊断系统的可行性和有效性.-Some work has been done for dealing with Fault Detection and Diagnosis (FDD) based on Rough Set, but in those cases Rough Set was just regarded as a tool for data
- 讨论了这种故障诊断方法的诊断性能及其在计算上的复杂度.通过这种方法能够进行故障的寻找和定位,实例分析的结果说明了利用粗糙集进行知识发现及建立智能故障诊断系统的可行性和有效性.-Some work has been done for dealing with Fault Detection and Diagnosis (FDD) based on Rough Set, but in those cases Rough Set was just regarded as a tool for data
- 反向故障诊断的步骤,讨论了这种故障诊断方法的诊断性能及其在计算上的复杂度.通过这种方法能够进行故障的寻找和定位,实例分析的结果说明了利用粗糙集进行知识发现及建立智能故障诊断系统的可行性和有效性.-Some work has been done for dealing with Fault Detection and Diagnosis (FDD) based on Rough Set, but in those cases Rough Set was just regarded as a too
- 反向故障诊断的步骤,讨论了这种故障诊断方法的诊断性能及其在计算上的复杂度.通过这种方法能够进行故障的寻找和定位,实例分析的结果说明了利用粗糙集进行知识发现及建立智能故障诊断系统的可行性和有效性.-Some work has been done for dealing with Fault Detection and Diagnosis (FDD) based on Rough Set, but in those cases Rough Set was just regarded as a too
- 理的基础上,给出了针对故障点建立决策表以及利用粗糙集约简所获得的诊断规则进行正、反向故障诊断的步骤,讨论了这种故障诊断方法的诊断性能及其在计算上的复杂度.通过这种方法能够进行故障的寻找和定位,实例分析的结果说明了利用粗糙集进行知识发现及建立智能故障诊断系统的可行性和有效性.-Some work has been done for dealing with Fault Detection and Diagnosis (FDD) based on Rough Set, but in those ca
- 则进行正、反向故障诊断的步骤,讨论了这种故障诊断方法的诊断性能及其在计算上的复杂度.通过这种方法能够进行故障的寻找和定位,实例分析的结果说明了利用粗糙集进行知识发现及建立智能故障诊断系统的可行性和有效性.-Some work has been done for dealing with Fault Detection and Diagnosis (FDD) based on Rough Set, but in those cases Rough Set was just regarded as
- 则进行正、反向故障诊断的步骤,讨论了这种故障诊断方法的诊断性能及其在计算上的复杂度.通过这种方法能够进行故障的寻找和定位,实例分析的结果说明了利用粗糙集进行知识发现及建立智能故障诊断系统的可行性和有效性.-Some work has been done for dealing with Fault Detection and Diagnosis (FDD) based on Rough Set, but in those cases Rough Set was just regarded as
- 讨论了这种故障诊断方法的诊断性能及其在计算上的复杂度.通过这种方法能够进行故障的寻找和定位,实例分析的结果说明了利用粗糙集进行知识发现及建立智能故障诊断系统的可行性和有效性.-Some work has been done for dealing with Fault Detection and Diagnosis (FDD) based on Rough Set, but in those cases Rough Set was just regarded as a tool for data
- 讨论了这种故障诊断方法的诊断性能及其在计算上的复杂度.通过这种方法能够进行故障的寻找和定位,实例分析的结果说明了利用粗糙集进行知识发现及建立智能故障诊断系统的可行性和有效性.-Some work has been done for dealing with Fault Detection and Diagnosis (FDD) based on Rough Set, but in those cases Rough Set was just regarded as a tool for data
- 反向故障诊断的步骤,讨论了这种故障诊断方法的诊断性能及其在计算上的复杂度.通过这种方法能够进行故障的寻找和定位,实例分析的结果说明了利用粗糙集进行知识发现及建立智能故障诊断系统的-Some work has been done for dealing with Fault Detection and Diagnosis (FDD) based on Rough Set, but in those cases Rough Set was just regarded as a tool for da