- FCMDEMO displays a GUI window to let you try out various parameters in fuzzy c-means clustering for 2-D data. You can choose the data set and clustering number from the GUI buttons at right, and then click \"Start\" to start the fuzzy cluste
- The EM algorithm is short for Expectation-Maximization algorithm. It is based on an iterative optimization of the centers and widths of the kernels. The aim is to optimize the likelihood that the given data points are generated by a mixture of Gaussi
- - XCS for Dynamic Environments + Continuous versions of XCS + Test problem: real multiplexer + Experiments: XCS is explored in dynamic environments with different magnitudes of change to the underlying concepts. +Reference papers: H.H.
- he AutoMix package is a C program for Unix-like systems, implementing the automatic reversible jump MCMC sampler of the same name described in Chapters 4, 5, and 6 of David Hastie s Ph.D. thesis-he AutoMix package is a C program for Unix-l ike s
- C++编写的机器学习算法 Lemga is a C++ package which consists of classes for several learning models and generic algorithms for optimizing (training) the models-prepared by the machine learning algorithm Lemga C is a package which con sists of classes for sev
- 假近邻法(False Nearest Neighbor, FNN)计算嵌入维的Matlab程序 文件夹说明: Main_FNN.m - 程序主函数,直接运行此文件即可 LorenzData.dll - 产生Lorenz时间序列 PhaSpaRecon.m - 相空间重构 fnn_luzhenbo.dll - 假近邻计算主函数 SearchNN.dll - 近邻点搜索 buffer_SearchNN_1.dll - 近邻点搜索缓存1 buffer_Search
- ReBEL is a Matlabtoolkit of functions and scr ipts, designed to facilitate sequential Bayesian inference (estimation) in general state space models. This software consolidates research on new methods for recursive Bayesian estimation and Kalman
- 离散粒子群算法(Discrete PSO)C语言源代码。 附带有利用D-PSO解决旅行商问题(TSP)的代码可作为使用时的Demo参考-discrete particle swarm algorithm (Discrete PSO) C language source code. Incidental use of a D-PSO solve the traveling salesman problem (TSP) code can be used as a reference when t
- 东北大学机器人足球队决策系统设计.开发环境使用 VS.NET 2003 调试 DLL 程序方法: 启动 VS.Net 选择“工具”菜单,“调试进程”,选择机器人足球运行进程,点击“附加”,在机器人足球中运行需要调试的 DLL 策略库, 在相应的程序中设置断点,开始比赛,在条件满足时 VS.NET 会停止在断点处等待调试。-Northeastern University robot soccer team decision-making system design. Development
- 代入法的启发示搜索 我的代码实现是:按照自然语言各字母出现频率的大小从高到低(已经有人作国统计分析了)先生成一张字母出现频率统计表(A)--------(e),(t,a,o,i,n,s,h,r),(d,l),(c,u,m,w,f,g,y,p,b),(v,k,j,x,q,z) ,再对密文字母计算频率,并按频率从高到低生成一张输入密文字母的统计表(B),通过两张表的对应关系,不断用A中的字母去替换B中的字母,搜索不成功时就回退,在这里回朔是一个关键。 -generation into a
- D星算法,是A星算法的动态版本,都是基本的路径规划算法-D Star algorithm, stars are A dynamic version of the algorithm is the basic path planning algorithm
- 使用A星算法求解野人过河问题,VC++实现,用D到了MFC-A star algorithm using the issue of Savage river, VC++ to achieve, with the D to the MFC
- 这是一篇关于岩石力学的博士论文 svm及其在矿井突水信息处理中的应用与研究-This is a doctoral thesis on rock mechanics and mine water inrush svm Information Processing Research
- 对一组iris数据进行分类的贝叶斯算法,并用留一法计算正确率-Iris on a Bayesian algorithm to classify the data, and calculated using leave-one accuracy
- 这是关于LDPC信道编码模块设计的程序 打开源程序,先运行gengrate_h.m程序,陆续将码长设置为756bit,列重设置为3,行重设置为9。在Workspace中同时将H、A、B、C、D、E、Hget、Fget、g、Tget这是个变量选择另存为encode_in.mat 格式。再运行main_encode.m进行编码,主程序运行后,在当前目录下,自动生成编码结果文件“encode—out.mat”,这将作为下一次扩频调制仿真实验的的输入信号。最后分别查看Workspace中的变量s
- SUPPORT VECTOR MACHINE IN CHAOTIC HYDROLOGICAL TIME SERIES FORECASTING 支持向量机混沌时间序列预测-This research attempts to demonstrate the promising applications of a relatively new machine learning tool, support vector machine, on chaotic hyd
- MOEA/D 算法 用于连续函数优化,C++编写,可以直接运行-a moea/d algorithm written by perfessor zhang qingfu
- 新一代高性能无人机飞控系统的研究与设计 张小林 赵宇博 范力思-I n o r de r t o cau se t he U A V f lig ht co nt r o l sy st e m has t he f o r mida ble da t a- ha ndling ca pa cit y , t h e lo w po we r lo ss , t he st r o ng f le x ibilit y an d a hig he r int e g r at io n
- 人工智能期末复习题 一、选择题: 1、人类智能的特性表现在4个方面__________。( B ) A、聪明、灵活、学习、运用。 B、能感知客观世界的信息、能对通过思维对获得的知识进行加工处理、能通过学习积累知识增长才干和适应环境变化、能对外界的刺激作出反应传递信息。 C、感觉、适应、学习、创新。 D、能捕捉外界环境信息、能够利用利用外界的有利因素、能够传递外界信息、能够综合外界信息进行创新思维。 2、人工智能的目的是让机器能够___________。(
- Douglas一Peukcer算法由D.Douglas和T.Peueker于1973年提出,简称D一P算法,是目前公认的线状要素化简经典算法。现有的线化简算法中,有相当一部分都是在该算法基础上进行改进产生的。它的优点是具有平移和旋转不变性,给定曲线与阂值后,抽样结果一定。 算法的基本思路是:对每一条曲线的首末点虚连一条直线,求所有点与直线的距离,并找出最大距离值dmax ,用dmax与限差D相比:若dmax < D ,这条曲线上的中间点全部舍去 若dmax ≥D ,保留dmax 对应的