- Java Object Oriented Neural Engine是一个用Java写的神经网络框架。它由一个核心引擎,一个GUI编辑器和一个分布式训练环境组成。可以通过写新的模块来扩展它,以实现新的算法或始于基础组件的新的体系结构。-Java Object Oriented Neural Engine is a Java was the neural network framework. It consists of a core engine, a GUI editor and a comp
- 神经网络训练,应用matlab7NN包,用一个隐藏层使用5折交叉验证。-Training the Neural Network This scr ipt is something that I did for a course at Uni. It uses the Neural Networking package provided with MatLab 7 unfortunately I m not sure if it s available with the earlier ve
- 神经网络matlab代码。有GUI界面实现和讲解,很强大-Neural network matlab code. There are GUI interfaces to achieve and explain the very strong
- BP神经网络在GUI中的实现实例,希望对大家有用-BP neural network implementation in the GUI in the example, we hope to be useful
- MATLAB的一些实例,包括神经网络,小波变换,绘图,GUI等-Some examples of MATLAB, including neural network, wavelet transform, graphics, GUI, etc.
- 这是本人编写的matlab的GUI程序,可以实现交互式的界面。里面的程序是bp神经网络的应用,另一个回归分析的程序还没有写。可以实现的功能是利用神经网络,然后上传数据,根据数据训练网络,然后可以输入部分数据,验证网络。-This is my GUI program written in matlab, you can achieve interactive interface. Bp inside the program is the application of neural networks
- 利用神经网络进行人脸识别,解压后运行faceCore会有GUI界面,可以用文件中自带的图片进行匹配-use neural network to conduct facerecognition.
- pca+lda+bp神经网络的人脸识别 有GUI实现 在MATLAB8.0运行有用 毕业设计用-GUI of the face recognition of pca+lda+bp neural network to achieve useful for graduation designed to run in MATLAB8.0
- 聚类是对数据对象进行划分的一种过程,与分类不同的是,它所划分的类是未知的,这是一个“无指导的学习” 过程,本文件采用基于MATLAB GUI 编写了SOM的神经网络语料聚类分析-Corpus clustering of the SOM-based neural network analysis
- Neuroph是轻量级的Java神经网络的框架,可以用来模拟常见的神经网络架构。少数基本类别相对应的基本网络的概念,它非常容易学习。它也有一个不错的GUI应用程序。 -Neuroph simplifies the development of neural networks by providing Java neural network library and GUI tool that supports creating, training and saving neural netwo
- matlab实现第二代身份证的识别(神经网络)GUI界面。-matlab implementation of the second generation ID card identification (neural networks) GUI interface.
- This is a neural network based marathi character recognition system. Run directly OCR_ANN.m file. and then a GUI will open. Add the template file first for training. Once the excel file is taught, the GUI can recognise the text from scanned images. T
- 利用RBM神经网络实现了手写数字体识别的GUI程序-RBM neural network using several fonts handwriting recognition GUI program
- it is full gui of neural network using guide option of matlab.
- GM(1,1)程序,GUI设计,含有新陈代谢的灰色神经网络模型预测-GM (1,1) program, GUI design, containing metabolic gray neural network model to predict
- 利用MATLAB软件,搭建一个GUI人工交互界面,分别用模糊控制、专家控制、BP神经网络控制实现PID控制在工程实践应用的性能比较!-Use MATLAB software, human interaction to build a GUI interface, respectively, with fuzzy control, expert control, BP neural network control to achieve PID control application perform
- This GUi implements the Eugene Izhikevich (2003) spiking equation. Spiking Neurons simulator Easily Simulate a Customizable Network of Spiking Leaky Integrate and Fire Neurons Simulation of an STDP-based constructive algorithm for spiking neura
Designing neural networks using GUI
- 使用 matlab GUI来设计神经网络,便于开发应用(Matlab GUI is used to design neural networks, which is easy to develop and apply)
Brain net predict
- 基于反向传播神经网络的私人汽车拥有量预测软件(Private car ownership prediction software based on back-propagation neural network)
- 本课题为基于MATLAB的BP神经网络手写数字识别系统。带有GUI人机交互式界面。读入测试图片,通过截取某个数字,进行预处理,经过bp网络训练,得出识别的结果。可经过二次改造成识别中文汉字,英文字符等课题。(This project is based on Matlab bp neural network Handwritten digit recognition system. With GUI human-computer interactive interface. Read in the