- snake 模型的MATLAB算法。可用于图形轮廓识别等图像处理方面的领域。-active contour model developed by others.It can be used in line detection and motion tracking.If someone wants to use it,please get in tough with the developer.
- 缺陷识别m文件,对缺陷图像进行中值,小波去噪,利用数学形态学方法提取二进制图像轮廓,并计算裂纹等缺陷的面积和周长-M file defect identification, the value of the defect in the image, wavelet denoising, using mathematical morphology to extract the binary image contour, and calculates the cracks and other def
- 汽车车牌的图像识别。 根据车牌凸角轮廓特征,采用MPP算法进行车牌倾斜校正;采用彩色图像分割方法,最大限度的去除图像噪声干扰;设计了基于神经网络的多种彩色背景车牌字符识别方法,取得了良好的效果。-Image recognition of vehicle license plates. According to plate convex contour feature, the use of MPP plate tilt correction algorithm using color imag
- matlab 基于“轮廓和颜色”来识别花朵的相似性的程序。可以区别出不同类的花儿。比较有趣。-matlab based on the " contours and colors" to identify the similarity of the flowers of the procedure. Can distinguish different types of flowers. More interesting.
- 嘴唇轮廓识别 对嘴唇口型进行扑捉后生成轮廓线 并以帧的动画形式-After generating the identification of the lips lip contour lip contour lines carried capture and animation frames
- 自己编的canny算子,可识别出图像中物体的轮廓,经典算法之一.-canny operator can identify the contours of objects in an image, one of the classic algorithms.
- 一个人体运识别跟踪的示例程序,里面附带了一个运动视频,运行run.m文件。程序里包含了轮廓提取,跟踪算法,很好的tracking学习程序(An example program for personal movement recognition and tracking is attached to a sports video, running run.m files. The program includes contour extraction, tracking algorithm, go