- RAKE receiver for direct-sequence spread spectrum systems Simulink model of a simple direct-sequence spread spectrum system with RAKE reception-RAKE receiver for direct-sequence spread spectrum systems Simulink model of a simple dir ect - sequence
- BLDCM仿真,包括BLDC本体模块、电流滞环控制模块、参考电流模块、速度控制模块等-BLDCM simulation, including BLDC body module, hysteresis current control module, reference currents module, the speed control module. ect.
- 系统辨识课上做的利用相关分析法辨识脉冲响应的实验。包括用M序列生成白噪声,计算互相关函数得到脉冲响应估计值等等,比较基础-Experiment about Identifying the pulse response with a method of correlative analysis in my class on system identification. It contains using M-sequence to generate white noise, bu calculat
- 有限单元集成刚度程序,用于计算常见单元刚度矩阵及集成。-beamassemble .ect.
- 有限单元集成刚度程序,用于计算常见单元刚度矩阵及集成。-beamassemble .ect.
- 有限单元集成刚度程序,用于计算常见单元刚度矩阵及集成。-beamassemble .ect.
- 有限单元集成刚度程序,用于计算常见单元刚度矩阵及集成。-beamassemble .ect.
- 能够实现声音信号的时域、频域、相位、功率谱分析-this matlab codes can realize the function analysis of time domain, frequency domain,phase ,powerspectrum ect for a noise signal
- gui controls M-file shows how to use the GUIDE in MATLAB for example the pop-up menu. edit text, ect.,
- 可转债论文,研究定价,模型,方法,赎回,回售等-This thesis is devoted to evaluating two-factor convertible bonds. Di® erent zero- coupon bond curves are inputted when evaluating convertible bonds issued by com- panies with di® erent credit ratings. Thus the e®
- OSCAR is an optical FFT code used to calculate the steady state optical eld circulating in Fabry Perot cavities. The code can integrate non-sperical mirrors and any arbitrary input elds. Recent applications for OSCAR have been: calculation of thermal
- OSCAR is an optical FFT code used to calculate the steady state optical eld circulating in Fabry Perot cavities. The code can integrate non-sperical mirrors and any arbitrary input elds. Recent applications for OSCAR have been: calculation of
- 针对ECT层析成像,使用了三种算法实现图像层析,特别是用了神经网络算法,效果很好!-In view of the ECT tomography, three kinds of algorithms are used to realize the image chromatography, especially the neural network algorithm, which is very good!
- Couldn t find anything on FEX, stackexchange, ect. for hiding text in Matlab command line
ect reconstruction
- ECT中用于加噪声条件下的重建程序以及计算灵敏度的matlab程序文件(It is used to add noise conditions in the reconstruction program for ECT)