- 逆短时傅立叶变换源代码.适合于非稳态的时频联合分析,可直接用于MATLAB编程,无解压密码.-inverse Fourier transform source code. Suited to the non-steady-state joint time-frequency analysis can be used directly in MATLAB programming, without extracting passwords.
- 用matlab编制的机器人求逆以及求时间的程序,个人感觉很有应用借鉴价值。-using Matlab based robot inverse time and the procedures for seeking personal feeling good application reference value.
- inverse short time fourier transform calculation
- 产生长度为1000的标准正太分布的随机信号,画出时域波形及频谱; 采用u=255的非均匀PCM编码,每符号为8bit,画输入-输出关系图; 计算信号量化噪声比(SQNR); 信道误码率为10-3; 解码,并画出u律反变换后的信号时域波形及频谱。 扩展要求: 采用均匀PCM、量化级数可变、信道误码率可变。 - have a standard len
- 使用Matlab编写的逆谐波程序。该程序对于不同的参数进行了实验。当图像噪声不同时,选用不同的参数。参数的正确选择很重要。本程序给出了不同噪声比较适合的参数选择-The use of Matlab procedures for the preparation of the inverse harmonic. The program parameters for different experiments. When the image noise is not at the same time,
- Based on the spectrum of the vuvuzela sound, this denoising technique simply computes an antenuation map in the time-frequency domain. Then, the audio signal is restored by computing the inverse STFT. See [1] or [2] for more detail about the algorith
- 逆合成孔径雷达(ISAR)具有远距离、全天候、全天时工作等优点,目前通过ISAR成像来进行目标识别已得到广泛的应用。ISAR的观测对象是非合作目标,因此ISAR成像具有深远的国防应用背景,受到各国的重视,是竞争激烈、发展迅速的技术领域。-Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar (ISAR) has a long-range, all-weather, all-time work, etc, currently conducted by ISAR imaging for
- 这是一篇很好的有关信道估计的文章, 可以用来快速的了解信道估计的基本内容-and MAI induced by multiple-input, multiple-output channels. In particular, this article reviews the typical inverse filter criteria (IFC) based algorithm, super-exponential algorithm, and constant modulus a
- 此程序用提升法实现第二代小波变换 用的是非整数阶小波变换 采用时域实现,步骤先列后行 正变换:分裂,预测,更新; 反变换:更新,预测,合并 只做一层(可以多层,而且每层的预测和更新方程不同)-This procedure achieved by lifting the second generation wavelet transform with a non-integer order wavelet transform time-domain realization of
- DFT IDFT stands for discrete time fourier transform and inverse fast fourier transform-DFT IDFT stands for discrete time fourier transform and inverse fast fourier transform
- 求解线性规划逆问题的光滑牛顿法的程序,时间很快,精确度也很高-Solving the inverse problem of linear programming procedure smooth Newton method, the time soon, is also very high accuracy
- 广义S变换程序 广义S变换具有短时傅里叶变换与小波变换的特性 其反变换与FFT紧密相连-Generalized program generalized S transform S transform with short-time Fourier transform and wavelet transform features of its inverse transform is closely linked with the FFT
- signal and ssystem matlab function change inverse fourier transfom frequency domain to time domain
- 本书从MATLAB仿真角度系统地介绍了滑模变结构控制的基本理论、基本方法和应用技术,是作者多年来从事控制系统教学和科研工作的结晶,同时融入了国内外同行近年来所取得的新成果。 全书共分10章,包括滑模变结构控制发展综述、连续时间系统滑模控制、离散时间系统滑模控制、模糊滑模控制、神经滑模控制、基于反演设计的滑模控制、动态滑模控制、基于干扰估计的滑模控制、Terminal滑模控制以及几种新型滑模控制。 每种控制方法都通过MATLAB仿真程序进行了仿真分析。 - Book from the M
- For inverting a matrix, Gauss-Jordan elimination is about as efficient as any other method. For solving sets of linear equations, Gauss-Jordan elimination produces both the solution of the equations for one or more right-hand side vectors b, and also
- This implementation of Isometric Method was designed with respect to be used by a broad scientific community in different regions of science and engieneering. As a consequence specific demands of particular branches may not be fully satisfied.
- 基本要求是由样本数据,估计出模型中的参数A和B。 1).估计出应力水平 时的寿命区间估计; 2).由已求得参数A和B,绘制出应力水平 与失效率 的关系曲线 -The basic requirement is provided by the sample data, the estimated model parameters A and B. 1) the estimated stress level life time interval estimation 2) has b
- 使用matlab开发的短时傅立叶逆变换的例子,可以直接使用-Inverse short time fourier in matlab
Inverse Scattering Opti
- Time Reversal Imaging
inverse Stockwell Transform ISTran
- Matlab program Returns the inverse of the Stockwell Transform of the REAL_VALUED time-series.