- 读取语音信号(用matlab的wavread指令),把语音信号分帧、加窗,进行清浊分割,提取基 频,这一部分较简单,自己编程序做。参考文献自己到图书馆期刊网上查找。 提取语音信号的lpc参数,可调用lpcfit.m 程序(我提供,见附件),将源、目标语音的浊音 段的lpc系数进行DTW规整,调用pathita2.m 程序(我提供,见附件)。将规整得到的lpc系数 转换成lsp参数,调用lpcar2ls.m 程序(我提供,见附件), 再进行转换映射,调用matlab 的指令ne
- 近几年来,在自然语言处理、信号处理、随机过程处理等方法的推动下,语音分析与合成技术获得了很大的发展,突破了传统的单纯语音计算算法的研究。情感语音分析与合成的研究,适应了语音技术的未来发展趋势,由于它能够很好的将语音的口语分析、情感分析与计算机技术有机的融合,为实现以人为本,具有个性化特征的语音合成系统,奠定基础。-STRAIGHT[1] is a high-quality speech analysis, modification and synthesis system based on a
- his a simple method for silence removal and segmentation of audio streams that contain speech. The method is based in two simple audio features (signal energy and spectral centroid). As long as the feature sequences are extracted, as thresholding app
- A vocoder is an analysis/synthesis system, mostly used for speech. It is a simple vocoder that uses auto-correlation method to estimate the pitch.-A vocoder is an analysis/synthesis system, mostly used for speech. It is a simple vocoder that uses aut
- 简单的语音合成程序,本人调试后,可以运行,仅供参考!-Simple speech synthesis procedure, I debug, you can run for reference purposes only!
- Very simple speech recognizer in Matlab - distinguishes basic vowels.
- 谱减法语音增强算法MATLAB源程序,简单有效-Spectral subtraction speech enhancement algorithm for MATLAB source code, simple and effective
- 这是何强matlab扩展编程一书的完整源代码。以MATLAB扩展编程及其应用实例为主线,以MATLAB与C 程序、Visual Basic、Excel、网络和系统硬件的接口为核心,采用图文并茂的方式、简捷明快的手法和通俗易懂的语言,配合大量的代码实例以及一个简单的语音识别系统的具体实现。-This book of MATLAB programming and its applications expand as the main line, MATLAB and C program, Visua
- this a simple matlab program which lets you read whatever you type........ in the command window just try this and hav fun...!this is my weekend project and you surely get and excellent output from this .this program drags the excel database of speec
- 音频处理算法:语音增强技术是语音信号处理技术中的一门关键技术,本例是一种较为经典的用来估计噪声的算法程序,其实现较为简单,便于初学者学习,改程序已经通过仿真实验,并且实验结果用在方便哦的论文中。-Speech Enhancement technology is voice signal processing technology in a key technology, in this case is a more classical algorithm used to estimate the
- 这是一个连续语音端点检测的matlab程序,比较简单,希望可以帮到大家-This is a continuous speech endpoint detection, the matlab program is relatively simple, I hope you can help
- 短时语音信号分析工具包,可用于简单语音处理,也可与其他函数配合使用构成语音识别系统-Short-time speech signal analysis toolkit for simple voice processing, can also be used in conjunction with other functions constitutes a speech recognition system
- This MATLAB exercise designs and implements a pitch period detector based on detecting and tracking peaks in the autocorrelation of the LPC error signal during regions of voiced speech. The pitch detection procedure is called the SIFT (Simple Inverse
- 在孤立词语音识别中,最为简单有效的方法是采用DTW(Dynamic Time Warping,动态时间归整)算法,该算法基于动态规划(DP)的思想,解决了发音长短不一的模板匹配问题,是语音识别中出现较早、较为经典的一种算法,用于孤立词识别。HMM算法在训练阶段需要提供大量的语音数据,通过反复计算才能得到模型参数,而DTW算法的训练中几乎不需要额外的计算。所以在孤立词语音识别中,DTW算法仍然得到广泛的应用。-Isolated word speech recognition, the most s
- 设计一个简单的GUI界面,对导入的音频文件进行时域特性分析。计算其时域波形、平均幅度、短时能量、短时过零率。对该音频文件进行加噪处理,分析其时域波形变化。设定一个固定时长,对该音频添加回声并保存为“*.wav”格式文件。 对音频文件的时域分析是对音频文件进行传输、降噪及其他再编辑的基础。其中短时能量可用作清浊音区分的标准和语音起始点的判断。短时过零率可用作判断有声段与无声段和从背景噪声中提取语音信号。 -Design a simple GUI interface that time
- 语音增强,采用自适应增益平均和低延时卷积的谱减,函数可直接调用,简单易行-Speech enhancement, the use of adaptive gain average and low delay convolution spectrum subtraction, the function can be called directly, simple and easy to use
- 语音增强,对数MMSE算法,函数可直接调用,简单易操作-Speech enhancement, log MMSE algorithm, the function can be called directly, simple and easy to operate
- 包含优化类的几个简单示例程序,结合PCA的尺度不变特征变换(SIFT)算法,完整的基于HMM的语音识别系统。- Optimization class contains several simple sample programs, Combined with PCA scale invariant feature transform (SIFT) algorithm, Complete HMM-based speech recognition system.
- 内含心电信号数据及运用MATLAB写的源代码,语音信号的采集与处理,数字信号处理课设,包含优化类的几个简单示例程序。- ECG data and includes source code written in MATLAB, Acquisition and Processing of the speech signal, digital signal processing class-based, Optimization class contains several simple sample
- 基于Matlab简单的语音识别系统,能够通过样本训练得到最后结果。(Simple speech recognition system based on Matlab can get the final result through sample training.)