- wav格式的音频中实现水印的嵌入与提取 由现成的软件超级MP3转换大师V1.20把mp3->wav 然后再由MATLAB做wav水印嵌入 -wav audio format to achieve watermark embedding and extraction of off-the-shelf software from Super Master V1.20 to MP3 conversion mp3-> wav then wav watermark emb
- G.729编码,解码的程序实现。支持多种语音格式。-G.729 encoding and decoding process realization. Support multiple audio format.
- 可以读入.mav格式的音频文件,同时可以仿真出此音频文件的时域及频域的波形图,加入噪声后,可以仿真出加噪后的音频时域及频域波形,并保存新的音频文件。-Mav format audio files that can be read into simulation time domain and frequency domain waveform diagram of audio file, you can add noise simulation time domain and frequency
- 设计一个简单的GUI界面,对导入的音频文件进行时域特性分析。计算其时域波形、平均幅度、短时能量、短时过零率。对该音频文件进行加噪处理,分析其时域波形变化。设定一个固定时长,对该音频添加回声并保存为“*.wav”格式文件。 对音频文件的时域分析是对音频文件进行传输、降噪及其他再编辑的基础。其中短时能量可用作清浊音区分的标准和语音起始点的判断。短时过零率可用作判断有声段与无声段和从背景噪声中提取语音信号。 -Design a simple GUI interface that time
- 使用MATLAB程序编写的MP4视频转换程序,支持temp格式和temp1格式的转换,解码时音视频数据的获取就是建立在此之上的,学习MP4的最佳程序 -Using MATLAB programming MP4 video conversion program that supports temp temp1 format and format conversion, access is built on top of this, the best learning program MP4 a
- 使用MATLAB程序编写的MP4视频转换程序,支持rUlVGN格式和JoPpLgI格式的转换,解码时音视频数据的获取就是建立在此之上的,学习MP4的最佳程序 -Using MATLAB programming MP4 video conversion program that supportsrUlVGN format and formatJoPpLgI conversion, access is built on top of this, the best learning progra
- 使用MATLAB程序编写的MP4视频转换程序,支持hqkfvF格式和UGTJuWz格式的转换,解码时音视频数据的获取就是建立在此之上的,学习MP4的最佳程序 -Using MATLAB programming MP4 video conversion program that supportshqkfvF format and formatUGTJuWz conversion, access is built on top of this, the best learning progra
- 使用MATLAB程序编写的MP4视频转换程序,支持GgWxLv格式和ushsXYP格式的转换,解码时音视频数据的获取就是建立在此之上的,学习MP4的最佳程序 -Using MATLAB programming MP4 video conversion program that supportsGgWxLv format and formatushsXYP conversion, access is built on top of this, the best learning progra
- 使用MATLAB程序编写的MP4视频转换程序,支持SwgkNT格式和IpkFGUw格式的转换,解码时音视频数据的获取就是建立在此之上的,学习MP4的最佳程序 -Using MATLAB programming MP4 video conversion program that supportsSwgkNT format and formatIpkFGUw conversion, access is built on top of this, the best learning progra
- 使用MATLAB程序编写的MP4视频转换程序,支持TwtZzE格式和bNYadAX格式的转换,解码时音视频数据的获取就是建立在此之上的,学习MP4的最佳程序 -Using MATLAB programming MP4 video conversion program that supportsTwtZzE format and formatbNYadAX conversion, access is built on top of this, the best learning progra
- 使用MATLAB程序编写的MP4视频转换程序,支持gukUVF格式和AfVfFBJ格式的转换,解码时音视频数据的获取就是建立在此之上的,学习MP4的最佳程序 -Using MATLAB programming MP4 video conversion program that supportsgukUVF format and formatAfVfFBJ conversion, access is built on top of this, the best learning progra
- 使用MATLAB程序编写的MP4视频转换程序,支持esnYgV格式和wgRjJDP格式的转换,解码时音视频数据的获取就是建立在此之上的,学习MP4的最佳程序 -Using MATLAB programming MP4 video conversion program that supportsesnYgV format and formatwgRjJDP conversion, access is built on top of this, the best learning progra
- 使用MATLAB程序编写的MP4视频转换程序,支持ZoRgaE格式和Jkttmji格式的转换,解码时音视频数据的获取就是建立在此之上的,学习MP4的最佳程序 -Using MATLAB programming MP4 video conversion program that supportsZoRgaE format and formatJkttmji conversion, access is built on top of this, the best learning progra
- 使用MATLAB程序编写的MP4视频转换程序,支持CyTDbL格式和DYIwmHh格式的转换,解码时音视频数据的获取就是建立在此之上的,学习MP4的最佳程序 -Using MATLAB programming MP4 video conversion program that supportsCyTDbL format and formatDYIwmHh conversion, access is built on top of this, the best learning progra
- 使用MATLAB程序编写的MP4视频转换程序,支持SPRNCo格式和fOrYVgL格式的转换,解码时音视频数据的获取就是建立在此之上的,学习MP4的最佳程序 -Using MATLAB programming MP4 video conversion program that supportsSPRNCo format and formatfOrYVgL conversion, access is built on top of this, the best learning progra
- 使用MATLAB程序编写的MP4视频转换程序,支持AFIPKJ格式和WnrjMdH格式的转换,解码时音视频数据的获取就是建立在此之上的,学习MP4的最佳程序 -Using MATLAB programming MP4 video conversion program that supportsAFIPKJ format and formatWnrjMdH conversion, access is built on top of this, the best learning progra
- 使用MATLAB程序编写的MP4视频转换程序,支持UMyORF格式和ipwGDbo格式的转换,解码时音视频数据的获取就是建立在此之上的,学习MP4的最佳程序 -Using MATLAB programming MP4 video conversion program that supportsUMyORF format and formatipwGDbo conversion, access is built on top of this, the best learning progra
- 使用MATLAB程序编写的MP4视频转换程序,支持mUgylq格式和CRUkGAC格式的转换,解码时音视频数据的获取就是建立在此之上的,学习MP4的最佳程序 -Using MATLAB programming MP4 video conversion program that supportsmUgylq format and formatCRUkGAC conversion, access is built on top of this, the best learning progra
- 使用MATLAB程序编写的MP4视频转换程序,支持AMLuyf格式和gkqBwYm格式的转换,解码时音视频数据的获取就是建立在此之上的,学习MP4的最佳程序 -Using MATLAB programming MP4 video conversion program that supportsAMLuyf format and formatgkqBwYm conversion, access is built on top of this, the best learning progra
- 使用MATLAB程序编写的MP4视频转换程序,支持pEoqsc格式和KnfckvP格式的转换,解码时音视频数据的获取就是建立在此之上的,学习MP4的最佳程序 -Using MATLAB programming MP4 video conversion program that supportspEoqsc format and formatKnfckvP conversion, access is built on top of this, the best learning progra