- 这是龚纯《精通MATLAB最优化计算》随书源码(M文件)。基于MATLAB优化工具箱,代码包含的内容有:牛顿法等无约束一维极值问题、单纯形搜索法等无约束多维极值问题、Rosen梯度投影法等约束优化问题、L-M法等非线性最小二乘优化问题、线性规划、整数规划、二次规划、粒子群优化、遗传算法。-This is pure Gong " Mastering MATLAB optimization calculations," with the book source (M file)
- MATLAB常用函数参考,查找起来非常方便,是matlab必备工具书-MATLAB function reference commonly used, search is very convenient, is an indispensable tool for matlab book
- 一个matlab的处理图像的函数的电子书,使用方便,可以搜索,非常实用-A matlab image processing function of the e-book, easy to use, you can search, very useful
- 本书系统介绍MATLAB遗传算法和直接搜索工具箱的功能特点、编程原理及使用方法。全书共分为9章 第一章至第四章介绍遗传算法的基础知识第五章至第七章介绍英国设菲尔德大学的MATLAB遗传算法工具箱及其使用方法 第八章和第九章介绍MathWorks公司最新发布的MATLAB遗传算法与直接搜索工具箱及其使用方法-This book systematically introduce MATLAB Genetic Algorithm and Direct Search Toolbox featur
- 此书中概括了很多MATLAB中的命令,便于查询和学习使用-This book summarizes many of the commands in MATLAB, easy to use search and study
- Particle swarm optimization has been used to solve many optimization problems since it was proposed by Kennedy and Eberhart in 1995 [4]. After that, they published one book [9] and several papers on this topic [5][7][13][15], one of which did a s
- Particle swarm optimization has been used to solve many optimization problems since it was proposed by Kennedy and Eberhart in 1995 [4]. After that, they published one book [9] and several papers on this topic [5][7][13][15], one of which did a s
- Particle swarm optimization has been used to solve many optimization problems since it was proposed by Kennedy and Eberhart in 1995 [4]. After that, they published one book [9] and several papers on this topic [5][7][13][15], one of which did a s
- 1.附件结构: gatbx.rar: (1)gatbx-origin.zip (2)gatbx-toolbox.rar (3)gatbx-example.rar 2.调试所用Matlab版本是6.5,gatbx-toolbox是调试过程中使用的工具箱,有些热心的研友已经提供了该工具箱,之所以再贴一遍,是因为6.5版本下调试该工具箱会出现一些错误提示,在该版本中已经进行了改正,使用该工具箱只需要将压缩包下的gatbx和gatbx\Test_fns加入到Matlab搜索路径即可,另外gat
- 一本介绍Matlab应用的书籍,包括神经网络、SVM、智能寻优PSO等等,书里包括了应用实例及相应的代码,对于matlab编程初学者非常有用-An introduction to the application of Matlab books, including neural networks, SVM, intelligent search PSO and so on, the book includes the application examples and the correspond
- 参照统计学习(李航著)一书实现的MATLAB仿真代码,代码包含main主函数和kd搜索算法以及相应的数据输入,整个代码实现完整,可以直接运行。(Reference statistics learning (Li Hang) a book to achieve the MATLAB simulation code, the code contains the main main function and KD search algorithm, and the corresponding data
- 自己用matlab实现的决策树仿真的代码,决策树代码包含ID3算法和C4.5算法,算法原理可以参照统计学习(李航著),具体代码编写部分参照网上博客。实现结果用matlab的treelayout实现,模拟树形实现最大程度图形化还原,可以为学习相关算法的朋友提供参考。代码包含相应的主函数和两个决策树函数,具体可参考文字示意。(Reference statistics learning (Li Hang) a book to achieve the MATLAB simulation code, th