- Find a classification error for a given decision surface D and a given set of patterns and targets -Find a classification error for a given dec ision surface D and a given set of patterns and ta rgets
adaptive mmse space-time multiuser detection algor
- adaptive mmse space-time multiuser detection algorithm.m是自适应MMSE空时多用户检测算法 dec multiuser.m是空时解相关多用户检测算法 cd multiuser.m是空时匹配滤波器 ber.m是误码率计算 conver.m是空时PN码产生文件-adaptive space-time multiuser detec tion is algorithm.m MMSE space-time adaptive multi-user d
- 文件包含三个子文件:dec.m,test_dec.m,recon.m dec.m文件使用MATLAB语言自己动手编写小波分解算法; test_dec.m使用MATLAB语言测试dec.m文件中自己编写的小波Mallat分解算法正确性 recon.m使用MATLAB语言自己动手编写Mallat重构算法 函数使用MATLAB语言,没有调用MATLAB小波分解函数,而是自己动手编写的小波Mallat算法对含噪声的信号进行分解、重构;这对对小波分解的初学者,加深对小波分解有着引导作用。
- 高阶谱工具箱 Version 2.0.3 (R12 compliant) 27 Dec 2-Higher-order spectrum Toolbox Version 2.0.3 (R12 compliant) 27 Dec 2
- 基于MVDR算法,计算两个信号的相关性的函数。-This program computes the coherence function between 2 signals x1 and x2 with the MVDR method. This algorithm is based on the paper by the same authors: J. Benesty, J. Chen, and Y. Huang, "A generalized MVDR sp
- Drulhe S. - Hue M. -- dec 2003 Demo to compute the histogram features. Some functions used here require Image Processing Toolbox-Drulhe S.- Hue M. -- dec 2003 Demo to compute the histogram features. Some functions used here requir
- 模拟管道压力下降趋势并用小波检测之管道下降趋势是抛物线型的-detect the dec of pressure in pipe
- 高阶谱工具箱 Version 2.0.3 (R12 compliant) 27 Dec 2-Higher-Order Spectral Analysis (HOSA) Toolbox. Version 2.0.3 (R12 compliant) 27 Dec 2000
- 将VaxD(“Dec”)格式的C3Ds数值格式转化为IEEE—LE(“PC”)格式。-Convert the numerical format of C3Ds from VaxD ("Dec") to IEEE-LE ("PC")
- converts cell array into scalar float array (v3.0, dec 2009)
- The purpose of this code is to use GOOGLE translate to translate help of a command in MATLAB- This code is written by M.A. (aka lftx). The purpose of this code is to use GOOGLE translate to translate help of a command in MATLAB to Turkish (yo
- dec code mpeg par matlab
- This the demo file for Rhors counter example: adaptive control for system with unmodeled dynamics, which show the lack of robustness of the traditional MRAC. DoSims.m: This scr ipt initializes the model parameters, run the simulation, and plot
- Contains excellent and exact implementation of Markov Dec. Processes using Policy Iteration and Value Itreration from the book Perter Norvig for AI.-Contains excellent and exact implementation of Markov Dec. Processes using Policy Iteration and Value
- 有符号的十进制数转十六进制数,以及CIC的simulink模型-dec to hex transfer
- This file is used to calculate the MSE of ESPRIT algorithm for DOA estimation. Rao, B.D.; Hari, K.V.S., "Performance analysis of ESPRIT and TAM in determining the direction of arrival of plane waves in noise," Acoustics, Speech and Signal P
- 十进制、二进制遗传算法以及混合遗传算法matlab源代码(Matlab Code for Genetic Algorithm in Bin and Dec format and Mix Genetic Algorithm with an example. 17 files include functions for mutation, hybird, fitness and so on.)
Sherif Mohamed Dec 2018
- we shed light on the potential and implementation of index modulation (IM) techniques for MIMO and multi-carrier communications systems which are expected to be two of the key technologies for 5G systems. Specifically, we focus on two promising appli