- Feature selection methods for machine learning algorithms such as SVR, including one filter-based method (CFS) and two wrapper-based methods (GA and PSO). The gridsearch is for the grid search for the optimal hyperparemeters of SVR. The SVM_CV is for
- Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) are feature descr iptors used in computer vision and image processing for the purpose of object detection. The technique counts occurrences of gradient orientation in localized portions of an image. This method i
- 人脸识别特指利用分析比较人脸视觉特征信息进行身份鉴别的计算机技术。人脸识别是一项热门的计算机技术研究领域,在生活中许多领域都有着重要应用。 这里通过对人脸图像打上网格,对区域块图像做二值分析,通过像素比例来做处理。进而得到人脸区域。-Especially the use of face recognition visual analysis and comparison of facial feature information to identify the identity of the