- this is a simple version of PRMA algorithm, a shared medium access protocol.
- IMT-DS FDD(WCDMA)系统无线接口层2技术规范: 媒质接入控制(MAC)协议 IMT-DS FDD(WCDMA) System Radio Interface Layer 2 Technical Specification: Media Access Control(MAC) Protocol -IMT-DS FDD (WCDMA) radio interface layer 2 system specifications: Medium Access Contro
- MATLAB code that simulates our proposed Medium Access Control /Power Control protocols (PBOA and PRUA) for ad hoc networks, and compares them with the capacity.
- All chapters are Open Access articles distributed under the Creative Commons Non Commercial Share Alike Attribution 3.0 license, which permits to copy, distribute, transmit, and adapt the work in any medium, so long as the original work is proper