- Rotates an image by the angle degrees in the % CCW direction. Degrees may be any number. % The function will put degrees in the range 0 % to 360 degrees and then into a range of -45 to 45 % degrees after performing elementary 90 degree rotations.
- This package contains some MatLab tools for multi-scale image processing. Briefly, the tools include: - Recursive multi-scale image decompositions (pyramids), including Laplacian pyramids, QMFs, Wavelets, and steerable pyramids. These oper
- 计算图像显著性的工具箱:在图像处理领域内应用很广范,是视觉处理领域必不可少的工具。-Calculation of the image toolbox significant: in the field of image processing a wide range of applications, is an indispensable tool for visual processing.
- MATLAB图像处理中的实力应用 ,在文字识别,车牌识别中有较为广泛的应用,第2部分-MATLAB image processing in the strength of applications, in character recognition, license plate recognition to have a fairly wide range of applications, Part 2
- 基于局部傅里叶变换数据的重构算法的研究,是一种比有效快速的重构算法-New features: Switched to complex computation, fully compatible with complex data Replaced penalty parameter continuation by R. Glowinski and P.L. Tallec s alternating direction method (ADM or ADMM) New
- OTSU Gray-level image segmentation using Otsu s method. Iseg = OTSU(I,n) computes a segmented image (Iseg) containing n classes by means of Otsu s n-thresholding method (Otsu N, A Threshold Selection Method from Gray-Level Histograms, IEEE
- 《MATLAB图形技术_绘图及图形用户接口》 MATLAB语言在数值计算,数据处理,自动控制,信号处理,神经网络,优化计算,模糊逻辑,小波分析,图像处理,统计分析等众多领域有着广泛的用途。-" MATLAB graphics _ graphics and graphical user interface" MATLAB language in the numerical calculation, data processing, automatic control, sig
- 对于一幅输入图像,将产生一幅输出图像,输出图像的每个像素点的灰度值由输入像素点决定,将感兴趣特征的对比度扩展使之占据可显示灰度级的更大部分。使一输入图像转换为在每一灰度级上都有相同的像素点数,均衡化会减少灰度级数。大多数自然图像由于其灰度值分布集中在较窄的范围之内,引起图像细节不够清楚。采用直方图修正后可使图像的灰度间距拉大或使灰度均匀分布,从而增大了反差,使图像细节清楚,达到增强的目的。-For an input image, will produce an output image, the
- 涵盖了多种方法对多源图像进行图像融合的程序-Covers a wide range of multi-source image fusion process
- FIR(Finite Impulse Response)滤波器:有限长单位冲激响应滤波器,是数字信号处理系统中最基本的元件,它可以在保证任意幅频特性的同时具有严格的线性相频特性,同时其单位抽样响应是有限长的,因而滤波器是稳定的系统。因此,FIR滤波器在通信、图像处理、模式识别等领域都有着广泛的应用。-FIR (Finite Impulse Response) filters: finite impulse response filter unit, digital signal processi
- 基于图象的铅笔画绘制,图形图象处理范围的内容。-Image-based pencil drawing, graphics, image processing range of content.
- 自定义函数画图软件,软件的函数输入部分分为4部分,针对的是4个分段函数,当然也可以扩展为5段,六段,如果你的函数不用分段,那就只用在第一个edit里面写下你的函数表达式即可,同时要在后面写出x的范围,和cftool里面的custom equation一样,只能用matlab语法规范的函数表达式,即你不要写2x而是2*x,不要把我们的数学表达式和matlab表达式搞混淆了。从gif可以看出,在第一个edit输入不同的函数,有多项式函数,指数函数,三角函数,对数函数,axes都能有正确的图形,另外用
- A figure ready to scroll through and play videos. You can also draw any custom graphics on it.-VIDEOFIG(NUM_FRAMES, @REDRAW_FUNC) creates a figure with a horizontal scrollbar and shortcuts to scroll automatically. The scroll range is 1 to NUM_FRAMES.
- 一种通用的稀疏编码方法,sparse coding,在图像去噪,目标识别等方面有着广泛的应用。-A generic sparse coding, sparse coding, in image denoising, object recognition have a wide range of applications.
- 这种方法一方面将像素的灰度值分散,可以分辨图象中比较细节的内容;另一方面,将图 象的灰度变化控制在一定范围之内,抑制了噪声的产生,较大程度上地保留了原始图象的亮度.-This approach on the one hand spread the pixel gray value, the more details you can identify the contents of the image the other hand, the image gray scale control
- unctions related to image processing, including * images loading and generation. * filtering and blurring functions. * anisotropic and spacially variant filters. * non-linear filtering (median, LIC, bilateral). * High Dynamic Range image l
- 从一个三维图像中取得上面各点的形状索引以及曲率。-get the shape index and curedness from a 3D range image
- 采用基于梯度的算法,通过matlab实现高动态范围成像。高动态范围图像,相比普通的图像,可以提供更多的动态范围和图像细节,根据不同的曝光时间的低动态范围图像,利用每个曝光时间相对应最佳细节的低动态范围图像来合成最终高动态范围图像,能够更好的反映人真实环境中的视觉效果。这里采用的高斯模糊展示了高动态范围图像中超出取值范围的数值也是有用的,即使它们在转换成低动态范围图像的时候通常都要被裁掉。在原始的高动态范围图像中,这些像素都有非常大的亮度值。当图像模糊的时候,周围的像素亮度被“拉高”并且在色度映射
- 将低动态范围图像通过色调映射技术转换为高动态范围图像,对图像的亮度通道进行加强,该算法是reinhard代码进行实现的。(The low dynamic range image is transformed into high dynamic range image by hue mapping technology, and the brightness channel of the image is enhanced. The algorithm is implemented by Rein
- isar 成像实例,距离多普勒成像方法,比较简单的(ISAR imaging example, range Doppler imaging method, relatively simple)