The purpose of this book is to teach basic programming concepts and skills
needed for basic problem solving, all using MATLAB® as the vehicle. MATLAB
is a powerful software package that has built-in functions to accomplish a
diverse range o
The purpose of this book is to teach fundamentals of programming concepts and
skills needed for basic problem solving, all using MATLABW as the vehicle.
MATLAB is a powerful software package that has built-in functions to accomplish
a diverse r
这个代码是关于基于蚁群算法的水下潜器三维空间路径规划的,希望有所帮助-Ant colony algorithm based three-dimensional underwater vehicle path planning
在考虑汽车零部件包装箱长、宽、高等三维尺寸的约束下,以配送中心为原点,分派多辆同一规格的货车到n个供应商处取货,最后回到配送中心。本章所构建的三维装载约束下的汽车零部件循环取货路径优化模型要解决的问题是确定循环取货路径,要求充分考虑汽车零部件在货车车厢中的三维装载位置,确保每个供应商处的零部件均能成功装载,尽可能使车辆装载率最大,且所有车辆的总行驶路径最短。-In considering the auto parts box length, width, higher dimensional s