用“时域最小平方误差准则” 设计IIR DF
- 试用时域最小平方误差准则(最小平方逆设计)设计一个具有四项系数的IIR DF的系统函数,使其在y(n)=[3,2,1]输入激励下,输出v(n)逼近d(n)=[2,0.2,0.05]。令v(-1)=v(-2)=0。求出v(n)的前8个样值与d(n)进行比较。用matlab实现了此要求。-trial at the least square error domain guidelines (minimum inverse square design) design with a four DF IIR
- The XML Toolbox converts MATLAB data types (such as double, char, struct, complex, sparse, logical) of any level of nesting to XML format and vice versa. For example, >> project.name = MyProject >> project.id = 1234 >>
- function [h,s,v] = rgb2hsv(r,g,b) %RGB2HSV Convert red-green-blue colors to hue-saturation-value. % H = RGB2HSV(M) converts an RGB color map to an HSV color map. % Each map is a matrix with any number of rows, exactly three
- 图论算法及其MATLAB 程序代码 1.求赋权图G = (V, E , F )中任意两点间的最短路的Warshall-Floyd 算法、Kruskal 避圈法 2.求二部图G 的最大匹配的算法(匈牙利算法)、利用可行点标记求最佳匹配的算法 3.从一个可行流f 开始, 求最大流的Ford--Fulkerson 标号算法 6.-Graph Theory Algorithm and MATLAB program code 1. Seeking weighted graph G = (V
- E=input( enter the generator voltage: ) V=input( enter the infinite bus voltage: ) Gx=input( enter the reactance of generator: ) L1x=input( enter the line reactance: ) L2x=input( enter the line reactance: ) L3x=input( enter the line re
- 用MOM计算V型天线的电流分布、输入阻抗及辐射方向图。其中L=0.3λ,L/a=2000,激励用δ-gap模型。-calculate the current distribution, input impedance and radiate pattern of V-antenna with MOM. L=0.3λ,L/a=2000, δ-gap source
- 先定义允许状态S={(x,y)|x=0或3,y=0,1,2,3 x=y=1,2}, 允许决策D={(u,v)|u+v=1,2},求dk<-D(k=0,1,2,…,n),使 状态Sk<-S按照状态转移律S(k+1)=S(k)+(-1)^k*dk,由初始状态 S1=[3,3]经有限步到达状态S(n+1)=[0,0].此为求解多步决策问题- First define to allow the state S = ((x, y) | x = 0 or 3, y = 0,
- The zip file contains several matlab files. These files implement the optimal vlassifier (optimal_classifier.m), a sub-optimal classifier (SOS_STBC_Classifier.m) which is based on Second Order Statistic and a low-complexity sub optimal code-p
- MeshTransform.m Descr iption: convert Gambit s .neu mesh into points edges cells files Sheng Chen ICME, Stanford University Febrary 02, 2006 Modified 21st August, 2007 ((((1.)))VERY VERY IMPORTANT ====> This
- 采样频率 fs=10000 轴承外环故障信号 fid=fopen( bearingout.dat , r ) 故障 N=1024 xdata=fread(fid,N, int16 ) fclose(fid) xdata=(xdata-mean(xdata))/std(xdata,1) 时域波形 figure(1) plot(1:N,xdata) xlabel( 时间 t/n ) ylabel( 电压 V/v )
- 在这个更新的代码,新功能,包括colorbar,samesize包括向量plottting... %更新版本$日期:5月18日,2011年由梁枯盎斯蒂文斯技术学院 %更新1:更改int8到Int16的colormap的是,当电流超过64个大,这将导致错误 %更新2:加入 samesize 为使所有的向量samesize %更新3:添加colorbar相应的开方的幅度(ü^2+ V键^ 2) %更新4:错误修复,当你为h = quiverc,这是行不通的。 ----
- 给出了不同分割数量V条件下的系统的PAPR性能,分割方法为随机分割,辅助相位集合的相位数P=4(即 可选择的范围为{0,π/2,π,3π/4}),N=128,子载波采用QPSK调制,仿真的OFDM符号数为1000个。-V gives the number of different partitions of the system under PAPR performance of random segmentation segmentation, the number of secondary
- 给出k=1,2,3,4的OFDM系统使用改进的次优化算法时的PAPR性能。仿真参数:子载波数为64,QPSK调制,r=3,V=4,P=4,取 ,分割方法为交织分割,仿真的OFDM符号数为1000个。-Gives k = 1,2,3,4 of the OFDM system uses an improved PAPR when the sub-optimal algorithm performance. Simulation parameters: number of subcarriers 64
- 给出了r=1,2,3,4的OFDM系统使用改进的次优化算法时的PAPR性能。仿真参数:子载波数为64,QPSK调制,V=4,P=4,取 ,分割方法为交织分割,仿真的OFDM符号数为1000个,迭代次数k=1。-Gives r = 1,2,3,4 of the OFDM system uses an improved algorithm for sub-optimal performance when the PAPR. Simulation parameters: number of subca
- 数字图像处理,颜色模型,对图像进行颜色转换-Given a color image ‘football.jpg’. 1) Display the three component images: red, green and blue. 2) Perform histogram equalization for the original image in RGB color space, and display the result. 3) Convert RGB to HSV, e
- 从任意一条单边路径开始。所有两点之间的距离是边的权,或者无穷大,如果两点之间没有边相连。 2,对于每一对顶点 u 和 v,看看是否存在一个顶点 w 使得从 u 到 w 再到 v 比己知的路径更短。如果是更新它。 3,不可思议的是,只要按排适当,就能得到结果。-A unilateral path from any start. All the distance between two points is the right side, or infinity, if there is no
- 用MOM计算V型天线的电流分布、输入阻抗及辐射方向图。其中L=0.3λ,L/a=2000,激励用δ-gap模型。-MOM calculated using V-shaped antenna current distribution, input impedance and radiation pattern. Where L = 0.3λ, L/a = 2000, excitation δ-gap model.
2D Gabor mfile Version(1,2,3)
- The Gabor filter is basically a Gaussian (with variances sx and sy along x and y-axes respectively) modulated by a complex sinusoid (with centre frequencies U and V along x and y-axes respectively)
- simon hykin problem 3.40
- LIBSVM是台湾大学林智仁(Lin Chih-Jen)教授等开发设计的一个简单、易于使用和快速有效的SVM模式识别与回归的软件包,他不但提供了编译好的可在Windows系列系统的执行文件,还提供了源代码,方便改进、修改以及在其它操作系统上应用;该软件对SVM所涉及的参数调节相对比较少,提供了很多的默认参数,利用这些默认参数可以解决很多问题;并提供了交互检验(Cross Validation)的功能。该软件可以解决C-SVM、ν-SVM、ε-SVR和ν-SVR等问题,包括基于一对一算法的多类模式