- 视频质量评测模型 一个用于图像质量评测的模型,对于图像质量评测感兴趣的可作参考-Video Quality Evaluation Model 1 for Image Quality Evaluation Model for Image Quality Evaluation interested reference can be made
- this program contain a super resolution with robust method to produse high quality image from the low quality video squence.
- 关于视频质量评测内容,宏块级的SSIM值计算-Video quality evaluation on the contents of the macro block level SSIM value
- Low-rate video is widely used especially in mobile communications. H.264/AVC (advanced video coding) is well suited for the real-time error resilient transport over packet oriented networks. In real-time communications, lost packets at the re
- 用于解决视频质量诊断系统中的模糊检测模块,使用的是图像的梯度模特征,获取先验值后,检测效果还不错-Video quality diagnostic systems used to solve in the blur detection module, using a gradient mode feature of the image, after obtaining a priori value detection results were good
- An Automatic Wavelet-based Nonlinear Image Enhancement Technique for Aerial Imagery Recently we proposed a wavelet-based dynamic range compression algorithm to improve the visual quality of digital images captured in the high dynamic range
- 交通视频采集后的图像预处理。由于硬件及环境等因素的影响,摄像头提取的图像不可避免地包含噪声,图像的质量会受到不同程度的失真。因此,我们要对采集到的视频序列进行图像的预处理。 车辆检测算法。概括性的分析了基于图像处理的几种常用的车辆检测算法:帧差法、光流法,总结了各种方法的优缺点,并采用背景差法对车流量进行检测。该算法自适应能力强,计算量小,可正确判断有无车辆、完成车辆计数,实现车流量计算,为交通监管系统提供实时有效的交通参数。 车辆计数。分析常用的车辆计数方法:虚拟线圈法和目标跟踪法。并
- 基于matlab的视频质量评价标准,输入视频格式为YUV420,可计算单个视频的VIIDEO值,不要比照视频-Based on matlab video quality uation standards, the input video format YUV420, a single video can be calculated VIIDEO value, not the video
2d and 3d gabor filter creators in matlab
- 2d and 3d gabor filter used to extract some features of image/video for the quality assessment method