- 双门限端点检测。因为低噪声导致假过零率的产生,进行了算法改进。可以直接调用函数运行,亲测-Dual threshold endpoint detection. Because of the low noise cause false over-produce zero rate, the algorithm was improved. It can directly call the function run, pro-test
- 首先声明,这是别人写的LDA主题模型代码,本人测试过,可以运行,但是输出跟输出有点不尽人意,输入的是词的序号和该词在文档中出现的次数,要是可以直接读取文档就完美了。输出是主题以及词在该主题出现的概率,其中得到的主题我就看不懂了,不知道是算法问题,还是因为我的水平有限。在研究LDA主题模型的朋友,可以下载试一下-First statement, which is written by someone else LDA topic model code, I tested, you can run,
- 在机器学习中,随机森林由许多的决策树组成,因为这些决策树的形成采用了随机的方法,所以叫做随机森林。-In machine learning, Random Forests decision tree composed of many, because of the formation of these decision trees using random method, so called Random Forest.
- Hive编程指南源代码,里面含有数据源,例如股票的信息。因为自己平时也要用积分下载资源,所以设置了一分。-Hive Programming Guide source code, which contains the data source, such as stock information. Because they usually have to use points to download resources, so we set up a point.