LBM_ jet
- 基于lbm方法的一个射流程序,用matlab编写,简单易懂,帮助理解晶格玻尔兹曼方法(LBM-Rough jet model)
- 格子boltzmann方法模拟在压力差驱动下的泊肃叶流,模拟效果较好。(poiseuille flow driven by pressure drop in x direction based on lbm method, this prog works very well.)
- A simple one dimensional lattice Boltzmann method to solve the time dependent Schroedinger equation. The method works by writing the Schroedinger equation as a continuity equation and an Euler equation as outlined in the.【来自国外某教学网站,仅供个人学习交流,请勿用于其他用途】
Lattice Boltzmann Method模拟2维接触角
- 该程序为格子玻尔兹曼方法(LBM)模拟二维的三相接触角,其中BCs.cpp文件为边界条件,Coll.cpp为碰撞算法,Steam.cpp为迁移过程,Error.cpp为计算稳态误差,force.cpp为计算作用力(采用Shan-Chen模型),Initialization.cpp为初始化(可改变初始两相形状),MacVar.cpp为计算宏观量,output.cpp为输出文件(可修改输出格式),源.cpp为控制主函数。