- gperiodic is a program for browsing the periodic table and looking up data for different elements. It also features a non-graphical interface. gperiodicOrb是一个浏览元素周期表和查询不同元素的数据的程序。它有一个非图形化的界面。-gperiodic is a program for browsing the periodic table and
- 本工资管理系统是一个运行于Windows 95/98 的基于图形用户界面的通用工资管理系统。它具有图形界面友好、操作简单、使用灵活之特点。工资项目、报表格式由用户任意设置,从而满足各用户的实际环境。因此,此软件适合于各企事业单位使用。-the wage management system is running on a Windows 95/98-based graphical user interface common wage management system. It has a grap
- 这用java语言模拟一个银行的操作系统,main-class:run 图形界面模式:加参数-graphic 文字模式:加参数-text Client.txt存放客户信息 Compte.txt存放账户信息 Operation.txt账号使用信息 这个版本是法语版的-this java language simulation with a bank of the operating system, main-class : run graphical interface mo
- 开源的WEB图形化流程解决方案, 主要实现:采用VML技术实现图形; 结合JAVAscr ipt实现拖拽; 采用XML技术解析和保存流程。 是开发图形化工作流的一种好的借鉴。-open-source Web graphical process solutions, the main achievement : VML graphics technology; combining JAVAscr ipt achieve dragging; using XML technolog
- 坦克的车辆动态特性模拟,包括图形界面模块和仿真模块-tanks Vehicle Dynamic Simulation, including graphical interface modules and simulation module
- 通过基于Windows的图形化界面,可以很方便的配置使用,包括在线测试各种可能遇到的问题,支持多域名,每个域名都支持没有限制的用户数目。其它功能包括:反垃圾邮件功能,查杀病毒支持,基于IP的访问列表,邮件转发,转发限制,ORL/RBL过滤,服务日志,统计信息和Windows服务,支持ESMTP/POP3/IMAP4 -through a Windows-based graphical interface, it is easy to use configuration, including
- 用MAtlab写的不错的运动目标检测的分析平台。 研究人员可借此学习在Matlab71上如何编写图形化界面的程序, 同时可以将自己的代码在平台上面运行,方面地查看运行的效果。-MAtlab written with a good moving target detection analysis platform. Researchers can learn how to prepare Matlab71 graphical interface procedures, also can b
- 大六壬,是玄学的帝王三式之一,这几个类实现了内部逻辑。由于完美的界面还没做出来,(牵涉到一些图形算法),完整的代码暂时无法提供。-exclude large, Metaphysics is the three-imperial one, several classes of internal logic. As the perfect interface No to do it and (involves some graphical algorithm), a complete code te
- 学生成绩统计,详细程序说明,C语言编写,图形界面,请保持文件放在一起同时运行,-student performance statistics, a detailed descr iption of the procedures and C languages, graphical interface, please keep documents together while running, thank you
- 影院售票系统完整源码,图形化售票、退票、预定票直观明了-cinema ticketing system integrity source, graphical tickets, refunds, scheduled votes intuitive understanding
- 煤矿管理系统,包括5个方面的内容.此外还实现了计算机图件的管理、地图数据集导出、地图输出打印等功能-Mine information management system is based on SuperMap Object, using the C# Language developed by the Information Management System for Mine realize mine of information systems management, including
- 图形界面的傅科摆,只需要输入傅科摆的初始参数就可以 了,很好用的-The Foucault pendulum graphical interface, just enter the Foucault pendulum in the initial parameters can be, well used
- vc++编写的学生成绩管理系统图形界面版小程序。-vc++ written in student achievement management system graphical interface version of applet.
- SPWM在pscad的仿真 PSCADTM 一个以图形为基础的电力系统模拟工具族 EMTDC 是一套基于软件的电磁暂态模拟程序, 可以通过PSCAD 进行调用。EMTDC 的威力之一是可以较为简 单地模拟复杂电力系统, 包括直流输电系统和其相关的控制系统。-SPWM PSCADTM in pscad a graphical simulation based on EMTDC power system simulation tools is a family of software-based e
- 这是一个用java图形界面编写的地铁换乘查询系统,用户可在装载地图后,对北京、上海地区的地铁线路按照时间最短、费用最少的方式进行查询,界面美观,功能完善。-This is a graphical interface written using java subway transfer query system, users can load the map, including Beijing, Shanghai, subway lines by the shortest and least-c
- 数据结构 课程设计 图形界面 设计报告 文本编辑器-Data structure course design graphical interface design report text editor
- LabVIEW是一种程序开发环境,由美国国家仪器(NI)公司研制开发的,类似于C和BASIC开发环境,但是LabVIEW与其他计算机语言的显著区别是:其他计算机语言都是采用基于文本的语言产生代码,而LabVIEW使用的是图形化编辑语言G编写程序,产生的程序是框图的形式。-LabVIEW is a program development environment from National Instruments [NI] the company developed, similar to C an
- N-Queen solver written in java with excellent Graphical user interface.
- 电力系统分析计算程序,可以自己根据需要修改源码。-The Power System Analysis Toolbox (PSAT) is a Matlab toolbox for electric power system analysis and simulation. The command line version of PSAT is also GNU Octave compatible. All operations can be assessed by means of graphi
- acad读取图形信息的源代码,acad读取图形信息的源代码-acad read graphical information