- Translates langauges, I say Hello into microphone, computer says Ciao out of speaker. like those Sci-Fi Translation Gizmo in the movie The Last Star Fighter. Maybe the U.N can make use of it. You will need the 5.1 speech sdk get this operating. http:
- The dashboard with the 3D interface for embedding in a car. Before compile this project, get Qt3D repository. Installation instructions: http://qt-project.org/wiki/Qt3D-Installation Qt 3D can be used to extend Qt Quick with custom 3D items.
- 安装教程: 1.安装Navicat for MySQL 必须组件 2.安装nodejs 必须组件 3.安装phpStudy 推荐此环境调试(PHP5.2) 4.这里3个工具我已经下载好了,一起安装即可 全部默认 无需多余更改。3个工具安装后需要重新启动1次,否则js组件不能正常运行。 5.如果你是用的服务器请将压缩包内(数据库备份gopecn文件夹数据库直接复制到MYSQL-data里) 6.虚拟空间使用phpMyAdmin将压缩包内(数据库备份-gopecn.sql导入