- Online Judge System 在线评判系统是一个基于程序设计竞赛的评判系统平台。也可用作程序设计的练习系统,考试系统。 本系统实现对用户提交的源程序(C, C++)自动进行编译,连接,运行,测试,然后给出评判结果。-Online Judge System is a design for the program competition judge platform, it also be used as a programming exercise system and the
- 本课题采用JAVA进行开发,集题库管理,在线考试,实时评判于一体的在线考试系统,研究了计算机考试系统的发展状况,关键技术以及存在的问题。详细研究了系统的体系结构,软件功能模块等,系统通过提高测验考试的效率,增强测试考试的反馈效果-The subject of the use of JAVA for development, set bank management, online testing, real-time judge in one of the online examination s
- 这是一个功能比较全的Asp.net在线考试系统源码,可以实现单选题、多选题维护、填空题、判断题的在线维护和管理,添加生成试卷后可以自动从题库进行调用试题,考试完成后自动打分,后台可以进行统计。 后台模块包括: 考试科目 考试科目添加 考试科目维护 用户信息 用户添加 用户维护 用户成绩 试卷 试卷制定 试卷维护 试题 单选题维护 多选题维护 填空题维护 判断题维护 该系统采用三层结构开发,核心层在App_code下 前台登
- Timus Online Judge is the largest Russian archive of programming problems with automatic judging system. Problems are mostly collected from contests held at the Ural Federal University, Ural Championships, Ural ACM ICPC Subregional Contests, and Petr
- Timus Online Judge provides you an opportunity to participate in online versions of many contests held at the Ural Federal University on a regular basis. See the rules of online contests.
- Timus Online Judge provides you an opportunity to participate in online versions of many contests held at the Ural