- 自营店增加查看缴款记录功能,可以查看门店缴款。 记录数据,门店只能查看自己的缴款记录。 使用同价调拨和变价调拨可以产生相应的GSP报表,即做完同价调拨和变价调拨,可以到对应报表中调用同价调拨单和同价调拨单生成GSP报表。 增加“盘点数量为零商品显示”功能,并增加对盘点时有改动商品的颜色标注,便于对有盘点改动商品的进行跟踪,并且可以在盘点过程中添加电脑中没有的库存商品(自动盘营盘亏中)。 库存盘点时增加“产地”、“备注”和“生产厂家”字段(自动盘盈
- 药品管理系统,本着简洁实用的原则开发,便于使用者查询浏览,以及查看药品库存情况和经营情况,实时操作药品库存数据 前台部分: 药品信息、查询、库存操作、销售统计 后台管理部分: 管理员管理、分类管理、规格管理、产地管理、进货商管理、 药厂管理、药品添加、药品管理 用户名:admin 密码:admin -drug management system, based on the simple principle of the development of practical
- 一个不错的源码,c#开发源码- A good source code, c# opens the origin code
- 基于EDA设计软件Pads PowerPCB 制作的贴片机坐标文件自动生成器。使用时,只需将PCB图纸原点定义为AKPL1即可。该脚本自动将设计图纸中的元器件型号及坐标做成表格放入Excel中。-Based on EDA design software produced by Mounter Pads PowerPCB coordinates automatic generation of devices. Use, simply PCB drawing origin can be define
- 实现BOSCH会议系统(硬件设备)话筒开关管理、申请发言、发言队列管理,以及议会式表决管理。主要应用在系统集成行业。本源代码是一个完整的实际应用案例。是研究BOSCH会议系统通信协议完美例程-BOSCH conference system implementation (hardware devices) microphone switch management application for a statement, queue management, and management of th
- 成绩管理档案管理-学生档案的录入,查询(可以选择专业,性别,婚姻状态,文化程度,年龄范围,政治面貌,个人成份,学制,籍贯-Performance management of the file- input of student records, inquiries (you can choose professional, gender, marital status, education level, age groups, the political landscape, individua
- c语言实现一个学生籍贯信息记录簿,每个学生信息包括:学号、姓名、籍贯。-c language origin information on a student record book, each student information, including: student number, name, place of origin.
- 对车次的查询,可以按照发车车次进行查询; 车次信息包括:车号、出发地、目的地、发车日期、开出时刻、票价。 -Queries on the trips, trips can be queried by the grid trips information, including: number, origin, destination, departure date, out of time, fares.
- 编制一个学生籍贯信息记录薄,每个学生信息包括:学号、姓名、籍贯。具体功能: (1)创建信息链表并以磁盘文件保存; (2)读取磁盘文件并显示出所有学生的籍贯信息; (3)按学号或姓名查询其籍贯; (4)按籍贯查询并输出该籍贯的所有学生; (5)能添加、删除、和修改学生的籍贯信息; (6)显示出四川籍和非四川籍学生的信息并可分别存盘。-Origin information to prepare a student record book, each student infor
- In the Visual Studio 11 Developer Preview, C++ AMP had a grid class that was basically an extent, plus an index object representing an origin. In the Beta we have removed grid from the programming model and instead you simply use an extent. Also the
- 设备履历管理维护系统可以记录下每一台设备的详细参数,如类型.品牌.型号.产地.相关配件以及照片等,可以记录该设备的使用情况,包括何时由谁使用保管,其间的维修情况等等,并且能够自动记录下当前使用单位和使用人,形成该设备的“履历”,一目了然。可以进行排序.导出excel等操作。 -Management and maintenance of equipment, resume the system can record each piece of equipment parameters, suc
- matlab编程实现从东北天坐标系到地心坐标系的坐标转换,包含了资料文件。调用函数名为:ENVtoECEF,输入参数为东北天原点经纬度数据,东北天坐标点数据;输出数据是东北天坐标系下坐标点对应的经纬高数据。-matlab programming from the northeast sky coordinate system to the geocentric coordinate system conversion, including the data file. Call the func
- In this section, the origin and types of speech signals are explained, followed by the modeling of the speech production mechanism. Principles of parametric speech coding are illustrated using a simple example, with the general structure of speec
Assignment 3
- In this report, we study on the intermodal transportation system of Pearl River Delta city group. In the system, each city is regarded as a node. For convenience, we remove some unimportant cities and simplify the system from 14 nodes to 5 nodes. Bec