- 高速公路收费系统车道软件. 功能: 1 检测公路过往车辆 2 收费过程控制和数据采集 3 车辆信息和图片上传服务器.-Lane highway toll system software. Functions: 1 Detect road vehicles 2 charging process control and data acquisition 3 vehicles information and picture upload server.
- I was trying to develope a programme to make a slide show of all the pictures of a folder using vb.net. I have spent lot of time in net for searching this but all in vain, I didn t get a simple programme to solve the same and lastly I gave myself a t
- 一款简单的图像管理代码,有图像界面,一些简单的图像操作控制-picture control
- 用Visual Basic编写的简易学籍管理系统程序,包含访问数据库、数据控件使用、图片显示、多窗体编程等技术的运用,可以实现对数据库的查询、添加记录、删除记录等功能-School enrollment management system written in Visual Basic , including access to the database, data control to use, picture display, multi-form programming.It can qu
- 基于ASP系列开发,此次发布的3.0版本可以搭建大型房产门户平台,适合于2次开发,系统代码具有执行效率高、代码简单、安全性高等特点,一下为3.0版本的心功能一览: 1,站点架构优化,取消家居和二手频道,新增房价(小区)频道; 2,主站前台、后台、会员中心CSS和页面全部重写; 3,优化前台搜索体验,搜索更加方便直观; 4,后台集成HTML静态插件,可生成静态,也可不生成静态; 5,会员中心集成支付宝在线支付功能; 6,新增房源订制功能,可以直接在前台进行房源订制,后