- 点菜系统包括后台数据服务系统和前台运行管理系统。本文档主要描述前台运营管理系统和后台服务系统两个子系统。 前台运营管理系统: 点菜系统是基于Linux平台的实验室环境,选择使用QT实现界面的绘制,以及多线程的实现。主要有点菜、查询、结账、同步、更新这5个功能。 -The a la carte system, including the back-end data services systems and front run the management system. Thi
- The application is written in C ++ with QT 5. search for and preservation and subsequent viewing of links to new videos vk.com site users. The application requires OpenSSL library.
- The application is written in C ++ with QT 5. search for and preservation and subsequent viewing of links to new photos vk.com site users.
- 快递行业签收派件统计,使用CSV文件数据输入并输出。界面用的Qt5.5开发。带有Qt国际化功能。-Send pieces express sign industry statistics, using a CSV file data input and output. Qt5.5 interface developed with. Internationalization with Qt functionality.
- Candle 2 ----------- GRBL and GRBL-Advanced controller application with G-Code visualizer written in Qt. Forked from [denvi/Candle](https://github.com/Denvi/Candle). Supported functions: * Controlling GRBL-based CNC-Machine via console com