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- 净月系统是管理净月区域内的所有住户-net on net management system is in the region on all households
- Mapinfor转KML工具源码采用Mapbasic语言编程,可以根据个人需要进行修改应用- Mapinfo2Google converts MapInfo layers in a map window to a Google Earth KML file. Supports point, line, polyline, region, rectangle and text object types. ARC and ELLIPSE (circle) objects are
- 把地理区域分成一个个小区,蜂窝系统在该区域内提供无线覆盖。把可用的频谱分成很多信道,每个小区分配一组信道。使用频分双工(FDD)。在小区间进行频率利用,N个小区构成一个簇,簇间进行频率复用。定义了传播特性(信道参数)以及同频小区的位置。信道的参数包括:小区半径,路径损耗指数,以分贝为单位的对数正态阴影的标准差,基站发射功率级,移动台发射功率级,每个小区的扇区数,扇区化天线的正反向比,要仿真的瞬时位置的组数,同频干扰阈值。-To a geographical area is divided int
- 随着计算机网络的飞速发展,Internet技术越来越广泛的应用,网络覆盖的区域不断扩大,给酒店业计算机应用带来了蓬勃发展的机遇。采用全新的计算机网络和管理系统,将成为提高酒店管理效率,改善服务水准的重要手段之一。所以城市酒店入住信息管理系统是酒店经营不可缺少的现代工具-With the rapid development of computer networks, Internet technologies increasingly wide range of applications, net
- 地区电力电容器的优化配置。从SCADA中读取变电所运行数据,给出并联电容器的投切计划及配置。-Region of the optimal allocation of power capacitors. Substation SCADA read from the operating data are given capacitor Parallel plans and switching configurations.
- Watershed segmentation is a region-growing method. In watershed segmentation,using gradient image catchment basins represent the regions of the segmentation
- my project is "implementation of mini-PACS in health care system". the image is in std DICOM format & is compressed using wavelet based JPEG2000 & transferred using JPIP to the reciever where the reciever will have an editor(that we are going to de
- 摘 要: 提出了一种基于医学图像中感兴趣区域(ROI)的盲检测水印算法, 将包含重要病理信息的灰度图像作为数字水印, 经置乱后在混沌序列的控制下嵌入到宿主小波域非感兴趣区域中。实验结果表明, 该算法在保护医学 ROI 的同时提高了水印抗 JPEG 压缩的鲁棒性, 并对篡改、 几何剪切、 滤波等均具有良好的鲁棒性和透明性, 而且混沌序列增强了系统的安全性。-Abstract: This paper presents a region of interest based on medical ima
- To develop an image editor to view DICOM images. The editor musy have options such as zooming, skewing/tilting,rotating,region of interest.source code to be in visual studio C++.
- This function uses SRP-PHAT with Stochastic Region Contraction (SRC) global-optimization algorithm to locate a single source using a frame of data and M microphones.
- 实验班级通讯录的录入,查询,删除等功能,其中查询分各种查询,如:按学号查询,按地区查询,按性别查询等-Experimental class address book entry, query, delete and other functions, including check points of various inquiries, such as: inquiry by student number, query by region, by sex inquiry
- 本系统属于小型的家庭视频监控系统,可以对指定的区域进行适时监控。本系统主要实现以下目标。 系统采用人机交互的方式,界面美观友好,视频监控灵活、方便。 灵活控制云台,以监控某一区域的各个角落。 适时对监控画面进行快照和录像操作。 选择观看已经录制的视频的文件。 晚上的系统注册功能。 系统最大限度地实现了易维护性和易操作性。 -The system is a sma
- 航空摄影航带设计报告,计算对上述整个地区进行航摄时各个摄站摄影中心的三维坐标位置方法及程序代码。-Aviation aerospace photography with design report, calculation of the above the whole region when taken aerial photography all stand in the center of the photography 3 d coordinate position method and
- In this program, a 20 micron x 8 micron platform is taken with closely placed slits emitting light at the upper border of domain which extend only in the third dimension perpendicular to the plane of simulation and which are projected as just point s
- BP神经网络预测公路运量 1.问题的描述 公路运量主要包括公路的客运量和公路货运量两个方面。据研究,某地区的公路运量主要与该地区的人数、机动车数量和公路面积有关,表1给出了20年得公路运量相关数据,表中人数和公路客运量的单位为万人,机动车数量单位为万两,公路面积的单位为万平方千米,公路货运量单位为万吨。 根据有关部门数据,该地区2010年和2011年的人数分别为73.39和75.55万人,机动车数量分别为3.9635和4.0975万辆,公路面积将分别为0.9880和1.0268万平
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- image segmentation using region growing
- 图像追踪程序,实现视频到图片的转换,可以圈定图片某一区域进行追踪。-The image tracing program to realize the conversion of video to picture can track the delineation of a region of the pictures.
- 根据站点的经纬度判断这个站点是否在某个区域内。对使用vba进行几何关系编程有参考价值。-judging a site is inside or outside of a region,by thier longtitude and latitude