- 风光互补发电系统的知识,最大功率跟踪控制方法的介绍和研究-the content on wind and solar hybrid power generation system and the introduce about the maximum power point tracking
- abot solar system using c
- Environment Home application. CO2 calculator with a menu system with info about different energy saving things. Solar cells etc. Uses Caurina transistions for the movement. The Caurina library is a opensource one, that i cant take credit for making.
- OA办公系统 项目描述:该项目主要针企业的自动化办公,提高办公效率,减少人事理成本.让人工作方便、舒服 本项目主要分为六大块:人事管理,日程管理,文档管理,消息传递,系统统管理,考勤管理 人事管理:主要实现对机构部门员工增删改查,打印员工信息等操作. 日程管理:实现了公司部门及个人日程的管理.运用一个简单的日历显示日程,让人一目了然,有阳历转换阴历, 适合大众使用。在以前这种技术会在闰年可能会出现错误,现在已经解决了,需要的朋友们可以学习学习。
- In this project, I have studied the physics of solar panel and simulated the solar panel with the help of Matlab Simulink. The maximum peak power tracker algorithm was implemented in order to control the duty ratio of the system and thereby maximize
- 实现了一个小型太阳系,太阳位于中心,地球绕太阳公转同时自转,月亮绕太阳转-To achieve a small solar system, sun in the center of the earth around the sun while the rotation of the moon around the sun
- light solar system moving using visual c-light solar system moving using visual c++
- lighting solar system moving using visual c-lighting solar system moving using visual c++
- 基于单轴跟踪技术的太阳能路灯照明系统。主要是体现最大功率点的追踪,以及电路的实现。-Single-axis tracking technology-based solar street lighting system
- 在电力系统仿真软件PSCAD中构建的光伏阵列的仿真模型,对新能源太阳能电池并网的研究有很大作用-Build the simulation model of the PV array power system simulation software PSCAD, new energy solar cell grid research
- This code is for evaluating reliability indexes in a system with Distributed generation resources. Wind power and solar energy are considered in this simulation.
- Solar system mppt for single phase grid connection.I
- 计算在地球岁差、章动、极移,太阳及太阳系各大行星摄动等影响下的较高精度月球轨道-Calculation of the Earth precession, nutation, polar motion, the sun and the solar system planets perturbed other high precision under the influence of the moon s orbit
- Solar is advancing the entire solar value chain by providing industry-leading solar energy solutions to customers around the globe. Smart energy solutions include packaged services throughout the entire solar power plant lifecycle project developmen
- 一个完整的光伏发电系统建模和仿真的软件,用matlab gui编写,实现了界面化的友好管理。-A complete photovoltaic system modeling and simulation software, using matlab gui prepared to achieve the interface and friendly management.
- This program focuses on improving performance and efficiency of a PV system through the study of an solar cell for usint it as a module, and then for controlling the power generated.
- The SPS PV array model implements a PV array built of series- and parallel-connected PV modules. It allows modeling a variety of preset PV modules available from NREL System Advisor Model (Jan. 2014) as well as a user-defined PV module. The PV array
非水可再生能源补贴程序 - 逐年
- 风电、太阳能发电、生物质能发电等可再生能源发电已成为电力系统未来重要的发展方向之一。为促进可再生能源发展,针对可再生能源发电及其接网工程,我国出台了可再生能源补贴政策。可再生能源发电上网电价与燃煤脱硫标杆电价的差额部分,由可再生能源补贴资金支付,其中,分布式光伏发电按照0.43元/kWh进行度电补贴。根据国家政策,目前我国可再生能源补贴附加征收标准为0.19元/kWh。为支撑2020年我国可再生能源规模化发展,需要准确测算2020年我国可再生能源补贴资金需求,并明确资金缺口疏导方法。(The g
- simulink光伏并网程序用于光照强度、温度变化情况下最大功率点跟踪及其并网。(the photovoltaic power grid connection generation system with solar irradiation change, and the maximum power point tracking is adopted.)