- Ea forex, um bom robot
- SuperTrend EA.mq4 Money Management settings Trade settings FirstMAPerc is percentage of remaining lots opened Supertrend settings
- Indicates trend changes. Can be used for scalping.
AlliTrend_V2_no repaint
- All Trend NO Repaint Super Power Indicator
Schaff Strategy外汇交易系统
- 该交易系统包含移动平均线MA组合,超级未来函数预测信号组合,复合型MACD&趋势指标等技术指标。该交易系统适用于波动交易,趋势交易,趋势反弹等不同的行情(The trading system includes MA combination of moving average, prediction signal combination of super future function, composite MACD-trend index and other technical indi
Super EA
- 根据趋势做单,做单次数不是太高但收益却很不错。(Make orders according to the trend, the number of orders is not too high but the profit is very good.)