- 学生管理系统,我是学生,现在这是系统还没完成,因为马上要开始做超市管理系统,所以需要下载源码-Student management system, I am a student, and now this is the system is not yet complete, as soon supermarket management system to start, you need to download the source code to see
- 一款仓库管理软件 带源码 自己研究吧我也正在研究我自己的一款同类软件,如果有什么好的方法建意欢迎加我QQ 2271386181-A warehouse management software with source code it my own research is also studying a similar software of my own, if you have any good way to build meaning welcome to add me QQ 22713861
- 图书销售管理系统,应用于超市,书店等等环境.-book sale manager system. approprietely for supermakect store..
- 首先随机生成一个存放着50个学生成绩记录的数据文件RecordIn.DAT。 然后读取这个存放着50个学生成绩记录的数据文件RecordIn.DAT。 每个记录长为28个字节,其内容依次为:学号(XH)4字节,姓名(XM)6字节,数学成绩(SX)3字节,语文成绩(YW)3字节,外语成绩(WY)3字节,物理成绩(WL)3字节,化学成绩(HX)3字节,政治成绩(ZZ)3字节。 要求计算出总分,并按学号为偶数的记录,总分从高到低排序,相同成绩按学号从大到小排序,把学号、
- c This a MATLAB and FORTRAN based program that computes the: c c I. Maximum directivity (dimensionless and in dB) c II. Radiation resistance (Rr) c III. Input resistance (Rin) c IV. Reactance relative to current maximum (Xm) c V. Inp