- unix或linux下的DNA分析软件源码 其功能如下 1. Edit up to 256 peptide or DNA sequences simultaneously. 2. Translates DNA->protein click next to display next frame. 3. Dot matrix plot of any 2 sequences. 4. Rudimentary amino acid statistics (MW and amino
- Takes as an input an RGB image (or the name/path of an RGB image) and creates a figure in which you can see side-by-side the original, the grayscale (RGB2GRAY), and the individual R,G, and B color planes. Advanced mode also displays some colorsp
- 使用 QT creater4.0 编码实现再电脑屏幕上通过鼠标点击截取图片文件,病保存在制定文件中。-Using QT creater4.0 coded again through the mouse to click on the computer screen capture image files, the disease is saved in the file.
- 注意:本程序中,每点击一次“增加亮度”,图像灰度提升16-Note: in this program, every click on the increase brightness , the image gray level 16
- 飞机上带有北斗导航或者GPS等定位装置,能够实时确定飞机的空间位置,获得其高度,经纬度等信息;飞机上载有光电吊舱,能够从高空拍摄图像或视频,并且能够通过其自带的传感器实时获得光电吊舱自身的倾斜角度、视场角度等信息;结合飞机所处的空间位置,光电吊舱的倾斜角度、视场角度以及地理信息系统就可以计算出光电吊舱所看到的区域所在的地理位置,并在地理信息系统中显示出其区域;若对图像中的某一局部区域感兴趣,需要确定其地理位置,则可通过鼠标点击这一区域,程序就能主动地计算出目标地点的地域坐标,并映射到地理信息系统