- 这是Esbox中对于launch过程做解析用的部分源代码-ESbox is an Eclipse Ganymede-based product that helps programmers to develop applications for Maemo platform using Scratchbox Apophis. It supports C/C++ and Python programming languages with source editing, code com
- 这是Esbox中对于launch过程做兼容性分析用的部分源代码-ESbox is an Eclipse Ganymede-based product that helps programmers to develop applications for Maemo platform using Scratchbox Apophis. It supports C/C++ and Python programming languages with source editing, code
- Esbox中CDI模块启动时候的源代码,可作分析用-ESbox is an Eclipse Ganymede-based product that helps programmers to develop applications for Maemo platform using Scratchbox Apophis. It supports C/C++ and Python programming languages with source editing, code comple
- Esbox 对launch type的增强,用的是GDB的DSF部分-ESbox is an Eclipse Ganymede-based product that helps programmers to develop applications for Maemo platform using Scratchbox Apophis. It supports C/C++ and Python programming languages with source editing, co