- 定义一个类Stock,记录一只股票的基本信息,信息包括交易日序号(OrderofTradeDate)(表示本月的第几个交易日,用整数表示)、当日最高价(HighestPrice)、当日最低价(LowestPrice)、当日开盘价(OpeningPrice)和当日收盘价( closing quotation price)。尽量发挥想象力,为该类设计构造函数、析构函数和成员函数。在主函数中建立两个股票对象,分别存储该股票昨天和今天的信息, 以当日收盘价计算股票今天的涨幅(Increase)[(今
- 足球俱乐部管理系统,可以实现维护俱乐部日常活动,并且支持云端买卖球员-Football club management system, you can maintain day-to-day activities of the club, and support cloud trading players
- C#实现的日内突破交易策略,可在Wealth-lab及其他C#策略平台下应用。-First hour breakout system The system takes positions if the price exceeds the range determined in the first hour of the day, using a moving average as a filter. Entry rules Buy at breakout of fi
- 是自己研发的一个程序化交易的策略代码。主要用于股指期货日内交易。基于multichart软件编译环境。-Their own research and development of a program trading strategies code. Mainly used for stock index futures day trading. Based multichart software compiler environment.
- 一个小的证券交易模型,主要运用与日内交易系统-A small model of securities trading, and day trading systems primarily use
- 日内模型,通过时间序列分析模型预测日内高低点-Day-in trading system
- 通过cvx拟合,在股指期货上做日内高频交易,其开仓频率为每日5-10次,年化收益为60 以上-By cvx fitting, do high-frequency trading days in stock index futures, the opening frequency of 5-10 times a day, the annual income of more than 60
- 飞狐交易师日线龙虎榜,资金更明确,日流入流出清晰可见-Fox trading day line with uniqueness, money is more clear, day and flow can be clearly seen
- 这个EA程序可以在一天内利润翻三倍,请先测试,再实盘运行。-Forex EA take profit 300 every trading day.
- 11个指标预测T+2,主要对股票的收盘价、开盘价等11个指标进行学习,然后形成大矩阵,之后对T+2交易日的价格进行判断。-11 indicators forecast T+2, mainly on the stock s closing price, opening price and other 11 indicators to learn, and then form a large matrix, then the price of T+2 trading day to judge.
- TzPivots MetaTrader 指标 — 应该附加到1小时或更短时间框架图表的指标。该指标会显示日内交易的枢轴点和支撑、阻力线。它根据先前交易时段,按照自身的公式计算这些点位。您可以使用这些线作为进出场点位。该指标还可以将产生的所有信息输入MetaTrader的全局变量,这些变量可被终端上的其它智能交易使用。TzPivots可用于MT4和MT5。-TzPivots MetaTrader Indicators- should be attached to one hour or less
- 期货日内交易系统,开盘后半小时开始下单,休息时不留仓位auto trater test(Futures day trading system, opened half an hour after the start of the order, rest without leaving any positions)
Forex Trend Rush
- Forex Trend Rush is a manual trading strategy that you can use to generate profits from forex market every day.
- start day trading from scratch
- 综合交易平台(Comprehensive Transaction Platform)是专门为期货公司开发的一套期货经纪业务管理系统,由交易、风险控制和结算三大系统组成,交易系统主要负责订单处理、行情转发及银期转账业务,结算系统负责交易管理、帐户管理、经纪人管理、资金管理、费率设置、日终结算、 信息查询以及报表管理等, 风控系统则主要在盘中进行高速的实时试算,以及时揭示并控制风险。(ntegrated trading platform is designed for the Futures Com
PZ_DayTrading (1)
- The Day Trading indicator detects price reversals in a zig-zag fashion, using only price action analysis. It has been specially designed for scalping intraday charts, without repainting or backpainting at all.
- ADR统计5天(5days)、昨天(yesterday)、过去一周(weekly)、过去一个月(monthly)和过去180天(180days)的平价波动大小。这个指标主要用于短线交易,一般情况下,没有重大的财经事件,当天的价格波动不会过于偏离最近几天的平均波动幅度。(ADR measures parity fluctuations over five days, yesterday, week, month and 180 days. This indicator is mainly used
- The ULTIMATE Double Top/Bottom Alerter This alerting-indicator makes professional trading besides your day job possible! It alerts you when the outstanding good reversal pattern "Double Top/Bottom with Fake Breakout" occurs. It can check u
- 哨兵单币对冲EA 是智能化自动交易程序,它能够24小时捕捉行情,准确判断机会,独有的支撑压力开仓--入场准、斐波那契加仓--浮亏小、盈亏比计算--平仓快。 EA程序将严格执行交易策略,敏感的响应价格变动和趋势变动,避免人工交易出现的失误。(Sentry single currency hedging EA is an intelligent automatic trading program. It can capture the market situation 24 hours a day