- This class converts morse code input from a user into a specific number. * Dots are defined by the system as pressing the mouse button and releasing within 250 ms. * Dashes are defined by the system as pressing the mouse button and releasing a
- naxtnano的应用范围包括量子阱,量子线,量子点,纳米线,纳米微晶体,量子级联激光器 (QCL),共振隧穿二极管(RTD),高电子迁移率晶体管(HEMT),Nano-MOSFETs, LEDs,激光器(e.g. VCSEL),高效太阳能板,有机半导体,离子敏场效应管(ISFET)以及 石墨烯,“应变硅,“低含氮化合物”等新型材料。是一款集合了k.p方法、自洽求解泊松-薛定谔方程等物理模型与一体的半导体光电子行业软件。-naxtnano range of applications
- 数字图像处理:(1)输入图像,采用半色调技术并将图像打印和显示。(2)按要求降低图像的灰度级。(3)采用像素复制的方法对图像进行缩放。(4)采用双线性插值法的方法对图像进行缩放。-Image Printing Program Based on Halftoning The following figure shows ten shades of gray approximated by dot patterns. Each gray level is represented by a 3