- INSTRUCTIONS FOR RUNNING NSDCALC SOFTWARE Nsdcalc.m is a Matlab program for performing the image enhancement process described in the accompanying paper. Place the program in your work directory along with the demonstration data file grav.tx
- Matlab file for homomophioc filter proce-Matlab file for homomophioc filter process
- 卡尔曼滤波器,敏感器组合形式为数字太阳敏感器+磁强计+速率陀螺,具体的参数物理含义请见文件中的注释,航天人依旧一目了然-Kalman filter sensor combinations for the digital sun sensor+ magnetometer+ rate gyroscope, specifically the physical meaning of parameters see comments in the file, astronauts still at a gl
- STEP 1: open Visual studio 2010 STEP 2: unzip and open .sln file from File->open project/solution STEP 3: Run F5 to run the project STEP 4: provide login information and hit OK STEP 5: on the 2nd screen, hit load tables button to lad table
- arma 实现了数据从文件的输入,ar模型预测,arma模型预测,卡尔曼滤波器模型预测,利用图形用户界面编写-Realized the data from the file input, ar model predictions, arma model prediction, Kalman filter model predictions, using a graphical user interface for the preparation of-arma matlab实现了数据从文件的输入
- kalman滤波,滤出电压中的谐波分量,判断孤岛是否发生。压缩包中包含了初始化文件和主文件。-kalman filter, filter out the harmonic component of voltage, it is judged whether there islanding. Compression package contains the initialization file and the master file.
- 深山行者留言系统采用asp+access数据结构,程序简单,操作简单方便,适合二次修改开发 使用方便,无需安装,放到服务器空间即可使用。 深山行者留言系统特性: 1.独立皮肤文件,皮肤文件放到skin文件夹中。 2.管理员可以后台设置留言本,配置留言本名称,留言本标题,以及更换管理员密码。 3.后台选择模板样式 4.拥有良好的安全性,采用数据防注入,过滤特殊代码。 后台路径:/admin/index.asp 管理
- 我上机实验时在matlab环境上编写的一个关于滤波器的程序文件。-This is a file about filter builded in matlab.
- php自动天气预报程序可以查询涵盖 34 个省、市所属的 2290 个城市、县、地区今天和未来几天的气象趋势预测,主要指标包括每天最高气温、最低气温、天气状况、风向等天气信息 ,非常适合地方网站使用。程序占用资源极小,只可在支持伪静态的服务器使用,每天自动更新一次。一些程序参数在config.php中修改。程序如果因为源站的改版而失效,请升级最新版本。 Rewrite目录为伪静态目录,IIS里新建isapi筛选器,筛选器名称自定义,文件指向Rewrite目录下的Rewrite.dll即可,在
- 包含有信号源的数字滤波器设计,文件中包含有高通,低通,带通,带阻四种数字滤波器。-The program is used to design a digital filter.There are four kinds of digital filter included in the file.
- LCL filter Model m file
- This m file is used for designing the PD controller for space satellite, the Kalman filter is also used for filering the noise
- this matlab file describe the sobel filter using matlab.
- 文件是一个卡尔曼滤波估测电池SOC的程序,有matlab的simulink仿真与卡尔曼滤波算法两个文件。-File is a Kalman filter battery SOC estimation procedures have matlab simulink simulation and Kalman filter algorithm two files.
- 将vcf文件中reads支持数小于10的SNP位点过滤掉,并统计过滤后的SNP位点个数。-SNP site reads the vcf file support is less than 10 filter out and count the number of points the SNP filtered.
- Appication that scan folder structure of C project. Then It recreates the visual studio project.filter file in order to include all file system files in the project.
- This file consists of design LC and LCL filter for three-phase inverter
- 利用MATLAB执行LPC分析和合成语音文件和显示原始语音信号通过滤波,提取LPC的错误(激发)信号,然后使用逆LPC的滤波误差信号,可以完全恢复原始语音信号。-This MATLAB exercise performs LPC analysis and synthesis on a speech file and shows that by filtering the original speech signal, extracting the LPC error (excitation) s
- 该 EA 跟踪市价单的存在时间。 可设置过滤器: 通过 EA 的"魔幻" 数字或品种。 每笔订单只生成一次信号。 可应对终端重启。 可以在日志里打印消息。 可以选择声音文件的名字。文件必须保存在 <终端文件夹>/Sounds 文件夹并具有 .wav 扩展名。(The EA tracks the existence time of the market price list. The filter can be set: "magic"