- tsint.f90 Generates and writes a set of synthetic seismic traces that are read by the t_direct_decon.f90 code. The synthetic data is composed of 10 traces of 1000 samples, with a multiple of period p=200 samples, and reflection coefficient c=
- 说明:大尺度主流流域水文模型(陆面模型),用C语言开发,在LINUX或CYGWIN等LINUX模拟系统中运行,由华人学者梁旭早期担纲开发。据称与河海大学引以为荣的新安江模型(可惜没有及时以程序语言向世界推广)的内核有传承关系。 VIC主模块用C语言编写。这是汇流模块,用Fortranm编写。-VIC (Liang et al., 1994) is a macroscale hydrologic model that solves full water and energy balances
- 此程序用fortran2003实现了对地震数据SEG-Y格式的读取。使用了fortran2003的一个新特性,流访问模式。 值得一提的是,在输出文件时,实现了自动化生成格式控制符。 程序存在的不足是,文件的字节大小得提前确定,不管用什么方式获取文件的大小都行,我用的方法是直接在windows下面通过查看sgy文件属性获得的。- This program read the Seismic SEG-Y data with Fortran 90 modified from C, se
- MATLAB® is a high-performance language for technical computing. It integrates computation, visualization, and programming in an easy-touse environment where problems and solutions are expressed in familiar mathematical notation. MATLAB st
- c This a MATLAB and FORTRAN based program that computes the: c c I. Maximum directivity (dimensionless and in dB) c II. Radiation resistance (Rr) c III. Input resistance (Rin) c IV. Reactance relative to current maximum (Xm) c V. Inp